I was going through this article A Guide to Testing Rails Applications and I was trying to implement System Tests for some of the models.

But on running the generator bin/rails generate system_test articles in the guide, I come across the following error:

Running via Spring preloader in process 16461 Expected string default value for '--helper'; got true (boolean) Expected string default value for '--assets'; got true (boolean) Could not find generator 'system_test'. Maybe you meant 'assets', 'scss:assets' or 'js:assets' Run 'rails generate --help' for more options.

I installed capybara but I can't figure out how to get this to work.

Any clue on how to get this to work? Thanks in advance :)

edit: I'm running rails 5.0.1


1 回答 1


此功能在 Rails 5.1 中可用,而不是我正在运行的版本 (5.0.1)。

于 2017-06-15T08:36:26.750 回答