有人知道我在哪里可以找到有关 C++ 中 CONTEXT 结构字段的一些信息吗?


3 回答 3


正如@bcsanches 所说,这是一个 Windows API。它将完全依赖于处理器。在您自己的标题中查找结构。


// Context Frame
//  This frame has a several purposes: 1) it is used as an argument to
//  NtContinue, 2) is is used to constuct a call frame for APC delivery,
//  and 3) it is used in the user level thread creation routines.
// The flags field within this record controls the contents of a CONTEXT
// record.
// If the context record is used as an input parameter, then for each
// portion of the context record controlled by a flag whose value is
// set, it is assumed that that portion of the context record contains
// valid context. If the context record is being used to modify a threads
// context, then only that portion of the threads context is modified.
// If the context record is used as an output parameter to capture the
// context of a thread, then only those portions of the thread's context
// corresponding to set flags will be returned.
// CONTEXT_CONTROL specifies SegSs, Rsp, SegCs, Rip, and EFlags.
// CONTEXT_INTEGER specifies Rax, Rcx, Rdx, Rbx, Rbp, Rsi, Rdi, and R8-R15.
// CONTEXT_SEGMENTS specifies SegDs, SegEs, SegFs, and SegGs.
// CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS specifies Dr0-Dr3 and Dr6-Dr7.
// CONTEXT_MMX_REGISTERS specifies the floating point and extended registers
//     Mm0/St0-Mm7/St7 and Xmm0-Xmm15).

typedef struct DECLSPEC_ALIGN(16) _CONTEXT {

    // Register parameter home addresses.
    // N.B. These fields are for convience - they could be used to extend the
    //      context record in the future.

    DWORD64 P1Home;
    DWORD64 P2Home;
    DWORD64 P3Home;
    DWORD64 P4Home;
    DWORD64 P5Home;
    DWORD64 P6Home;

    // Control flags.

    DWORD ContextFlags;
    DWORD MxCsr;

    // Segment Registers and processor flags.

    WORD   SegCs;
    WORD   SegDs;
    WORD   SegEs;
    WORD   SegFs;
    WORD   SegGs;
    WORD   SegSs;
    DWORD EFlags;

    // Debug registers

    DWORD64 Dr0;
    DWORD64 Dr1;
    DWORD64 Dr2;
    DWORD64 Dr3;
    DWORD64 Dr6;
    DWORD64 Dr7;

    // Integer registers.

    DWORD64 Rax;
    DWORD64 Rcx;
    DWORD64 Rdx;
    DWORD64 Rbx;
    DWORD64 Rsp;
    DWORD64 Rbp;
    DWORD64 Rsi;
    DWORD64 Rdi;
    DWORD64 R8;
    DWORD64 R9;
    DWORD64 R10;
    DWORD64 R11;
    DWORD64 R12;
    DWORD64 R13;
    DWORD64 R14;
    DWORD64 R15;

    // Program counter.

    DWORD64 Rip;

    // Floating point state.

    union {
        XMM_SAVE_AREA32 FltSave;
        struct {
            M128A Header[2];
            M128A Legacy[8];
            M128A Xmm0;
            M128A Xmm1;
            M128A Xmm2;
            M128A Xmm3;
            M128A Xmm4;
            M128A Xmm5;
            M128A Xmm6;
            M128A Xmm7;
            M128A Xmm8;
            M128A Xmm9;
            M128A Xmm10;
            M128A Xmm11;
            M128A Xmm12;
            M128A Xmm13;
            M128A Xmm14;
            M128A Xmm15;

    // Vector registers.

    M128A VectorRegister[26];
    DWORD64 VectorControl;

    // Special debug control registers.

    DWORD64 DebugControl;
    DWORD64 LastBranchToRip;
    DWORD64 LastBranchFromRip;
    DWORD64 LastExceptionToRip;
    DWORD64 LastExceptionFromRip;

但对于您的平台可能会有所不同。请注意,如果您编写的代码依赖于任何特定版本的 CONTEXT 结构,则当您以另一个平台为目标时,您的代码将无法编译,例如尝试从 x64 代码构建 x86,反之亦然。

你真的应该把这个结构当作一个不透明的对象,除非你有一个非常好的(注意:大多数原因都不是很好)理由不这样做。这些东西应该包含在, 和 的内部,而hal.dll不是您的代码中。ntoskrnl.exentdll.dll

于 2010-12-15T19:53:48.723 回答


包含特定于处理器的寄存器数据。系统使用 CONTEXT 结构来执行各种内部操作。请参阅头文件 WinNT.h 以了解每个处理器体系结构的此结构的定义

所以你需要检查你的平台。在 WinNT.h 中找到定义。

于 2010-12-15T19:50:46.537 回答


如果您确实想在汇编代码中编写逻辑并希望从 C++ 中调用它,并且您想使用异常处理(例如捕获除以零或 SSE 异常,这可能应该通过数据验证等方案来防止),那么您最好将异常处理留给调用您的汇编语言过程的 C++ 代码。

这样就不会那么混乱了,因为这样您就不必对 C++ 代码在异常处理方面所做的事情大惊小怪了。让你的汇编代码逻辑工作起来要容易得多,这样它就可以防止抛出异常。除此之外,它应该使您的代码在处理问题的方式上更加高效和优雅。


于 2016-05-10T05:15:26.510 回答