['Basic Card', 'List', 'Carousel', 'Suggestions']),
app.buildList('Things to learn about')
.addItems(app.buildOptionItem('MATH_AND_PRIME', ['math', 'math and prime', 'prime numbers', 'prime'])
.setTitle('Math & prime numbers')
.setDescription('42 is an abundant number because the sum of its ' +
'proper divisors 54 is greater…')
.setImage('http://example.com/math_and_prime.jpg', 'Math & prime numbers'))
.addItems(app.buildOptionItem('EGYPT', ['religion', 'egpyt', 'ancient egyptian'])
.setTitle('Ancient Egyptian religion')
.setDescription('42 gods who ruled on the fate of the dead in the ' +
'afterworld. Throughout the under…')
.setImage('http://example.com/egypt', 'Egypt')
.addItems(app.buildOptionItem('RECIPES', ['recipes', 'recipe', '42 recipes'])
.setTitle('42 recipes with 42 ingredients')
.setDescription('Here\'s a beautifully simple recipe that\'s full ' +
'of flavor! All you need is some ginger and…')
.setImage('http://example.com/recipe', 'Recipe')