当您单击 gridview 的 Yii2 复选框列下的复选框时,使用以下控制器函数捕获 javascript 生成的数组“keylist”。

我犯的错误:没有意识到每次单击复选框时 Doit 操作正在幕后运行。

单击最左侧的红色警报 ajax 按钮,通过 Yii 调试器工具栏查看日志。

单击 POST 404 的配置文件链接以获取您故意的错误日志。

public function actionDoit()
  //1.  Deliberately throw an exception to catch the following
  //    getKeys javascript which I created under scripts.js and 
  //    saved under D:\wamp\www\advanced\web\frontend\web\js
        function getKeys(){
            var keys = $('#w1').yiiGridView('getSelectedRows'); 
            $.post({  url: "/product/doit",
                 dataType: "json",
                     data: {keylist: keys},
            //Uncomment the following line to verify getKeys function is being run when clicking on checkboxcolumn 
               //success: alert(keys)

        This can be seen in small ajax redbox alert in the Yii debugger tool (installed by default) on the toolbar. Click on far right <  
        to have the debugger tool present.
        Look for ajax red alert box on far left of toolbar when checkbox is clicked. (not form button is clicked)
   //2. Did not use .... var keys = $('#grid').yiiGridView('getSelectedRows'); 
   //   Instead I used .... var keys = $('#w1').yiiGridView('getSelectedRows'); 

   //3. The following code appears in my gridview.
    * <?= GridView::widget([
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'filterModel' => $searchModel,
    'columns' => [
        ['class' => 'yii\grid\SerialColumn'],
        ['class' => 'yii\grid\CheckboxColumn',
        //the name of checkbox's under the checkboxcolumn. Not to be confused with 'keylist'.
        //They appear with [] appended to selection.
        'checkboxOptions'=>function ($model, $key, $index){
            return ['id'=>"{$model->id}", 'onclick'=>'js:getKeys()' ,'value' => $model->name];
    // 4. Look for a POST 404 red alert by clicking on the ajax alert box on far left of Yii debugger toolbar.
    // 5. If you see something like the following....
    //    13:27:54.723 error yii\web\HttpException:404 yii\web\NotFoundHttpException: Here 9 and request is is arrayAJAXPOST in D:\wamp29 
    // 6. ....your 'doit' controller action function has successfully been run EACH TIME YOU CLICKED on a  checkbox. 
    // 7. ....NOTE: No button was clicked. All the clicked checkbox values are sent to the controller when you click a checkbox.
    // 8. ....This can be verified by uncommenting //success: alert(keys);
    // 9. ....It made no difference changing $.post with $.ajax under the script.

   if (isset($_POST['keylist']))
       //Equivalent to: $arr=$_POST['keylist'];
       $request = Yii::$app->request;
       $arr = $request->post('keylist');

       //Unnecessary: $keys = \yii\helpers\Json::decode($params,true);

       //Extract the array $arr into individual keys separated by a comma,
       $keys = implode(",",$arr);

       if (is_array($arr)) {$message = "is array ";}
       if ($request->isAjax) { $message .= "AJAX "; }
       if ($request->isPost) { $message .= "POST "; }
       throw new NotFoundHttpException('Here '.$keys.' and request is '.$message);



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