我有一个非常奇怪的问题,在重新渲染 NSTableView 时,单元格似乎会随机着色并显示文本。这是MacOS而不是 iPhone。
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController, NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource {
//@JA - Simulation Settings Tab
@IBOutlet weak var theTableview: NSTableView!
@IBOutlet weak var reportTypePopUpButton: NSPopUpButton!
@IBOutlet weak var businessPopUpButton: NSPopUpButton!
@IBOutlet weak var numberOfDaysToSimulateTextField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var startDateTextField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var startingBudgetTextField: NSTextField!
//Default Multidimensional Dictionary
var data = [
"name":"Click Start to Begin",
"columninfo" :["0"]
override func viewDidLoad() {
//First remove all columns
let columns = self.theTableview.tableColumns
columns.forEach {
//@JA - This fixes the last column not being shown correctly
self.theTableview?.columnAutoresizingStyle = .noColumnAutoresizing
for index in 0...1 {
let column = NSTableColumn(identifier: "defaultheader")
if(index != 0){
column.title = "Month \(index)"
column.title = "Factors"
let date = NSDate()
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let dateString = dateFormatter.string(from:date as Date)
startDateTextField.stringValue = dateString
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override var representedObject: Any? {
didSet {
// Update the view, if already loaded.
//@JA - Tableview Delegate & Datasource Functions
func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
return data.count
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? {
let currentColumnIndex = tableView.tableColumns.index(of: tableColumn!)
if let cell = tableView.make(withIdentifier: "defaultcell", owner: nil) as? NSTableCellView {
//if let cell = tableView.reuse {
if tableColumn == tableView.tableColumns[0]{ //@JA - If this is the first column then show the row names corespondingly
cell.textField?.stringValue = data[row]["name"] as! String
let columnInfo = data[row]["columninfo"] as! [String]
let isIndexValid = columnInfo.indices.contains(currentColumnIndex!-1)
cell.textField?.stringValue = columnInfo[currentColumnIndex!-1]
//Highlight Rows with rule to do so
if data[row]["highlightrow"] != nil{
let bghighlight = data[row]["highlightrow"] as! [String:NSNumber]
cell.textField?.backgroundColor = NSColor.init(red: CGFloat(bghighlight["red"]!), green: CGFloat(bghighlight["green"]!), blue: CGFloat(bghighlight["blue"]!), alpha: CGFloat(bghighlight["alpha"]!))
cell.textField?.textColor = NSColor.init(red: CGFloat(bghighlight["tred"]!), green: CGFloat(bghighlight["tgreen"]!), blue: CGFloat(bghighlight["tblue"]!), alpha: CGFloat(bghighlight["talpha"]!))
//Marked rows will show ----- for content to fill it out
if data[row]["mark"] != nil{
if data[row]["mark"] as! Bool == true && currentColumnIndex != 0{
cell.textField?.stringValue = "---------------"
return cell
return nil
//@JA - Helper Functions
func calculateTableHeaders(){
//First remove all columns
let columns = self.theTableview.tableColumns
columns.forEach {
//Find out how many days we want to simulate
let numOfDays = Int(numberOfDaysToSimulateTextField.intValue)
let columnType = reportTypePopUpButton.titleOfSelectedItem
//Generic Setting for Date
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let startDate = dateFormatter.date(from:startDateTextField.stringValue)
var components = DateComponents()
var numOfColumns = 150 //Default Column Setting. Always overwritten
if(columnType == "Daily"){
numOfColumns = Int(numOfDays)
components = DateComponents() //to reset it
if(columnType == "Monthly"){
components.setValue(numOfDays, for: .day)
let futureDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: components, to: startDate!)
numOfColumns = futureDate!.interval(ofComponent: .month, fromDate: startDate!) //The number of months needed column wise
if(columnType == "Yearly"){
components.setValue(numOfDays, for: .day)
let futureDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: components, to: startDate!)
numOfColumns = futureDate!.interval(ofComponent: .year, fromDate: startDate!) //The number of months needed column wise
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd MMM yyyy" //this is format we want to use for column names
for index in 0...numOfColumns {
let column = NSTableColumn(identifier: "defaultheader")
if(index != 0){
components = DateComponents() //reset it
if(columnType == "Daily"){
components.setValue(index, for: .day)
}else if(columnType == "Monthly"){
components.setValue(index, for: .month)
}else if(columnType == "Yearly"){
components.setValue(index, for: .year)
let dayDate = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: components, to: startDate!)
column.title = dateFormatter.string(from:dayDate!)
column.title = "Factors"
column.width = 200
@IBAction func startsimulation(_ sender: NSButton) {
let budget = startingBudgetTextField.doubleValue
let businessname = businessPopUpButton.titleOfSelectedItem!
var biz:Business?
if ( businessname == "PoolService123.com"){
biz = PoolService123(bizname: businessname, startbudget:Decimal(budget))
let sim = Simulator(biz: biz!)
data = []
data = sim.run() as! [Dictionary<String, Any>]
extension Date {
func interval(ofComponent comp: Calendar.Component, fromDate date: Date) -> Int {
let currentCalendar = Calendar.current
guard let start = currentCalendar.ordinality(of: comp, in: .era, for: date) else { return 0 }
guard let end = currentCalendar.ordinality(of: comp, in: .era, for: self) else { return 0 }
return end - start
import Foundation
class Simulator {
var business: Business
var daysToSimulate = 365
//Must be initialized with a business
init(biz: Business) {
self.business = biz
public func run() -> Any{
let data = self.business.data! //Grabs the default data structure from which to fill in details
return data
import Foundation
class Business {
public var name: String = ""
public var budget:Decimal = 0.0
public var data: [Dictionary<String, Any>]?
public var money:Decimal = 0.0 //This represents its current financial state
init(bizname: String,startbudget: Decimal){
self.name = bizname
self.budget = startbudget
self.money = startbudget
import Foundation
class PoolService123 : Business{
override init(bizname: String, startbudget: Decimal) {
//@JA - Call super to do generic business stuff that is the same
super.init(bizname: bizname, startbudget: startbudget)
self.data = [
"name":"Starting Budget",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Regions Targeting",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Marketing & Customers",
"columninfo" :["-"],
"name":"Adwords Clicks",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Adwords Conversions",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Adwords Customers Acquired",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Customers Gained",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Customers Lost",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Total Customers",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"columninfo" :["-"],
"name":"Adwords Cost",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Total Expenses",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"columninfo" :["-"],
"name":"Gross Income",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Net Income",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Net Worth",
"columninfo" :["0"]
"name":"Business Partner Income",
"columninfo" :["0"]
所以我在这个函数中添加了这一行func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? {
print("currentColumnIndex=\(currentColumnIndex ?? -1) , row=\(row)")
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=3
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=4
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=5
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=6
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=7
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=8
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=9
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=10
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=11
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=12
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=13
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=14
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=15
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=16
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=16
这个结果的有趣之处在于,当我每月渲染默认渲染时,它似乎以不同的顺序渲染 tableView?
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=11 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=12 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=11 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=12 , row=0
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=11 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=12 , row=1
currentColumnIndex=0 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=1 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=2 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=3 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=4 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=5 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=6 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=7 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=8 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=9 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=10 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=11 , row=2
currentColumnIndex=12 , row=2
... currentColumnIndex=120 ,行=16
清除表的结果似乎只是暂时有帮助,我通过设置 data = [] 并重新加载表来做到这一点。