我目前正在为 ERP 设计许可模型。我想出了两个模型
基于访问级别的模型 基于访问级别的模型只是让每个组件(发票、库存、帐户等)具有读取、读写、超级等权限
基于页面/屏幕的模型 访问级别基于每个页面,(编辑页面,查看页面,报告页面等)这个模型基本上会生成一个巨大的页面列表和复选框,我担心它会吓跑人。
我目前正在为 ERP 设计许可模型。我想出了两个模型
基于访问级别的模型 基于访问级别的模型只是让每个组件(发票、库存、帐户等)具有读取、读写、超级等权限
基于页面/屏幕的模型 访问级别基于每个页面,(编辑页面,查看页面,报告页面等)这个模型基本上会生成一个巨大的页面列表和复选框,我担心它会吓跑人。
Access Level
model is preferred.
If you keep acess permissions together as Roles
it would be more convenient for users (Role-Based
at user side maps to Access-Level
permissions). This way you can encapsulate many of permissions inside a role
and for example its easy to find out what permissions are needed by an accountant.
Also you can see a page/report (whole of it) as an access-level
and set permissions (roles) for it in case you need. If you need go in more details and pages are repeated with little differences, split a page into parts (at design level you should think of this) and work at page-part