有什么方法可以使用 Dragon NaturallySpeaking 的高级脚本使扬声器静音?


1 回答 1


如果您想要做的事情可以用任何其他脚本语言完成,请使用它并从 Dragon 调用该脚本。

DNS 和 DP 高级脚本是几代人的。我几乎对所有事情都使用 AutoHotKey,但我有一些我调用的 VBS 和 JS 脚本,甚至还有一个 HTA。例如,我有一个 AHK 脚本,它通过从命令行传入参数来操纵我的声卡更改音量、静音等:

Sub Main
' Command is called "<Volume>" and that list includes: 
'   mute Mike, mute the Mike, show the volume, show volume, toggle the volume, 
'   toggle volume, volume, volume down, volume down three, volume down two,
'   volume loud, volume mute, volume off, volume up, volume up loud, 
'   volume up three, volume up two.

x = ListVar1  
If InStr(x," the ") Then x = Mid$(x, 1, InStr(x," the ")) + Mid$(x, InStr(x," the ")+5)
If x = "mute Mike" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk mutemic", 6
If x = "show volume" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk showvol", 6
If x = "toggle volume" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk togglevol", 6

x = Mid$(ListVar1, 8)
If x = "down" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk down 1", 6
If x = "down three" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk down 3", 6
If x = "down two" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk down 2", 6
If x = "loud" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk up 6", 6
If x = "mute" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk down 6", 6
If x = "off" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk down 6", 6
If x = "up" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk up 1", 6
If x = "up loud" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk up 6", 6
If x = "up three" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk up 3", 6
If x = "up two" Then ShellExecute "pgVolume.ahk up 2", 6
End Sub

我的 AHK 脚本包括子例程和对 VA.AHK 的引用(VA v2.2,位于http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/21984-/)。


于 2017-06-12T19:52:17.313 回答