我已经接受了@ragnor 给出的答案。但我认为我应该在这里发布一个对我有用的完整示例。
- 通过添加 @EnableCaching 确保您的应用程序已启用缓存
- POM.xml 应具有以下依赖项:
- 添加一个配置文件来配置你的 memcached 缓存配置,比如 MySSMConfig.java
@ImportResource("simplesm-context.xml") // This line may or may not be needed,
// not sure
public class SSMConfig
private String _memcachedHost; //Machine where memcached is running
private int _memcachedPort; //Port on which memcached is running
public CacheManager cacheManager()
//Extended manager used as it will give custom-expiry value facility in future if needed
ExtendedSSMCacheManager ssmCacheManager = new ExtendedSSMCacheManager();
//We can create more than one cache, hence list
List<SSMCache>cacheList = new ArrayList<SSMCache>();
//First cache: Testcache
SSMCache testCache = createNewCache(_memcachedHost, _memcachedPort,
"testcache", 5);
//One more dummy cache
SSMCache dummyCache = createNewCache(_memcachedHost,_memcachedPort,
"dummycache", 300);
//Adding cache list to cache manager
return ssmCacheManager;
//expiryTimeInSeconds: time(in seconds) after which a given element will expire
private SSMCache createNewCache(String memcachedServer, int port,
String cacheName, int expiryTimeInSeconds)
//Basic client factory to be used. This is SpyMemcached for now.
MemcacheClientFactoryImpl cacheClientFactory = new MemcacheClientFactoryImpl();
//Memcached server address parameters
String serverAddressStr = memcachedServer + ":" + String.valueOf(port);
AddressProvider addressProvider = new DefaultAddressProvider(serverAddressStr);
//Basic configuration object
CacheConfiguration cacheConfigToUse = getNewCacheConfiguration();
//Create cache factory
CacheFactory cacheFactory = new CacheFactory();
//Get Cache object
Cache object = null;
try {
object = cacheFactory.getObject();
} catch (Exception e) {
//allow/disallow remove all entries from this cache!!
boolean allowClearFlag = false;
SSMCache ssmCache = new SSMCache(object, expiryTimeInSeconds, allowClearFlag);
return ssmCache;
private CacheConfiguration getNewCacheConfiguration()
CacheConfiguration ssmCacheConfiguration = new CacheConfiguration();
return ssmCacheConfiguration;
- 好的,我们已经准备好使用我们配置的缓存了。
- 其他类中用于从缓存中读取和从缓存中删除的示例方法
@Cacheable(value="dummycache, key="#givenId.concat('-dmy')", unless="#result == null")
public String getDummyDataFromMemCached(String givenId)
logger.warn("getDummyDataFromMemCached: Inside DUMMY method to actually get data");
return "Sample-" + String.valueOf(givenId);
public void removeDummyDataFromMemCached(String givenId)
//Do nothing
请注意,我们为 kache-keys 添加了后缀。由于 Memcached 不支持缓存区域,因此“dummycache”和“testcache”最终不会在单个服务器上保持独立。(它们可能与其他一些缓存实现分开)。因此,为了避免冲突,我们将唯一的后缀附加到缓存键。
如果要缓存自己类的对象,请确保它们是可序列化的。只需将您的类定义更改为“XYZ 实现可序列化”。