I read several resources how to secure Geode components, pulse being one of them. I think I understood how Apache Shiro comes into play. But from my understanding JMX and RMI are the critical part where an attacker could access mbeans and interfere with or even manipulate the data in my distributed cache.

The company I work at demands for transport encryption and if possible "client" authentication. Is this supported in the current Geode 1.1.x ? I thought about giving com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl.need.client.auth a try but found no information about Geode supporting it.


1 回答 1


当你security-manager在 geode 中配置时,一切都流经SecurityManager(包括 JMX、REST)。


于 2017-06-29T18:12:00.893 回答