我有低于我目前能想到的最高级别的 Actors 和他们的目标,并且我打算使用敏捷开发方法,因此我将开始编码,并随着我的进展改进用例。
***Actor Goal***
**Borrower** Request registration
Request to borrow
Check Loan Account balance
Check repayment history
Make early repayment
Request to Switch groups
**Loan Officer** Pre-register group
Record daily borrower repayments /collections
Generate expected daily collection
**Saver** Request registration
Check Account balance
Check deposit history
**Loan Administrator** Assess borrower
Register borrower
Approve pending borrower registration
Get following weeks budget
Generate default list
Manage borrowers
Manage borrower details
Manage staff
Generate new loan projection
Manage loans
Manage savings accounts
**System Administrator** Modify system settings
Manage system parameters
Approve exception loan amount request
**Amortization System** Calculate loan repayment schedule
**Borrower Assessment System** Determine maximum loan amount for borrower
**Savings System** Credit savings account
Debit savings account
Create savings account
我决定在系统中有 5 个模块,即贷款模块、储蓄模块、贷款管理员模块、默认模块和系统管理员模块,这是为了帮助我除了隔离应用程序之外,它还将帮助我更好地控制对功能的访问。