为什么 Textillate 效果会从h3我的投资组合中的标签中删除粗体格式,您如何解决它?https://codepen.io/Olliewe88/pen/pgmWor

$(function() {
  $('h2').textillate({ in: {
      effect: 'flip'
  $('h3').textillate({ in: {
      effect: 'rollIn'
  $('h4').textillate({ in: {
      effect: 'tada'
body {
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  <h1 class="text-primary text-center">Martin Luther King
      <h2 class="text-center">"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?"</h2>
      <div class="jumbotron">

          <img class="img-responsive	 ialign=" middle " src="http://static6.businessinsider.com/image/54bc1ccbecad04fb41e364cc/the-most-iconic-parts-from-martin-luther-kings-i-have-a-dream-speech.jpg ">
<h3 class='tests'><ul>
   <li><b>January 15 1929</b> Martin Luther King, Jr. is born in Atlanta, Georgia. </li> </ul></h3>
   <li><b>June 1948</b> King graduates from Morehouse College in Atlanta </li> </ul></h3>
   <li><b>September 1948 </b> King enrolls in Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania</li> </ul></h3>
   <li><b>June 18 1953 </b> King marries Coretta Scott in Marion, Alabama</li> </ul></h3>
   <li><b>December 1955 </b> King is elected the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association.</li> </ul></h3>
   <li><b>January 30 1956 </b> King's house is bombed</li> </ul></h3>
   <li><b>January 1957 </b> King is elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference</li> </ul></h3>
   <li><b>September 1958 </b> King's first book, "Stride Toward Freedom " is published.</li> </ul></h3>
   <li><b>October 19, 1960 </b> King is arrested in Atlanta</li> </ul></h3>
   <li><b>April 1963 </b> King is arrested in Birmingham, Alabama</li> </ul></h3>
 <h2 class="text-center ">"Faith is taking the first step even when you don 't see the whole staircase"</h2> 
  <center><h4>I recommend you should <a target="_blank" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King,_Jr.">click here to read more!</a></h4><center>
    <p>Page coded by Oliver Webb, for a project at <a href="https://www.freecodecamp.com" target="_blank">FreeCodeCamp</a></p> 


2 回答 2





参考:https ://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_hn.asp

.tests2 {
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.tests3 {
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<h3 class='tests'>
    <li><b>January 15 1929</b> Martin Luther King, Jr. is born in Atlanta, Georgia. </li>

<div class='tests2'>
    <li><b>January 15 1929</b> Martin Luther King, Jr. is born in Atlanta, Georgia. </li>

<div class='tests3'>
    <li><b>January 15 1929</b> Martin Luther King, Jr. is born in Atlanta, Georgia. </li>

于 2017-06-03T14:17:05.207 回答

在 css 文件中添加字体粗细

h3 {
    font-weight: bold;
于 2017-06-03T14:19:17.420 回答