我正在使用批处理来制作一个程序,当有人在他们的 ftp 服务器上时发出通知。现在我有一个脚本,它检查然后向rainmeter的NXT-OS皮肤发送一个命令来打开一个通知程序。它通过尝试从 ftp 服务器下载文件来做到这一点,因为如果文件在那里,则意味着用户在线。如果它不存在,那么我们就知道它不存在。我已将其设置为文件不存在。但是现在我遇到了一个错误,它在没有任何弹出框的情况下发出通知的哨声。有人可以看看这段代码,看看当没有人在线时它如何发送一半的命令?谢谢!注意:包含的代码不是全部,因为代码包括 ftp 服务器地址和密码。谢谢!
(在 Windows 上运行)
Rem This is where it checks if the files were downloaded
if exist on.%friend1% set Friend1Stat=On
if exist on.%friend2% set Friend2Stat=On
if exist on.%friend3% set Friend3Stat=On
if exist on.%friend4% set Friend4Stat=On
if exist on.%friend5% set Friend5Stat=On
if exist on.%friend1% set /p Friend1Name=<on.%friend1%
if exist on.%friend2% set /p Friend2Name=<on.%friend2%
if exist on.%friend3% set /p Friend3Name=<on.%friend3%
if exist on.%friend4% set /p Friend4Name=<on.%friend4%
if exist on.%friend5% set /p Friend5Name=<on.%friend5%
if not exist log.txt echo. >log.txt
echo %time% %date% >>log.txt
set >>log.txt
if %Friend1Stat%==on goto friend1
goto friend1b
if %friend2stat%==on goto friend2
goto friend2b
if %friend3stat%==on goto friend3
goto friend3b
if %friend4stat%==on goto friend4
goto friend4b
if %friend5stat%==on goto friend5
goto friend5b
echo Complete. Waiting 60 seconds before starting again.
choice /c q /d q /t 60 /n
if %friend1run%==yes goto back1
set friend1run=yes
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'Online-Friend1', style = 2, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = '%friend1name% is Online', body = '%friend1name% is on their computer.%time%'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
goto back1
if %Friend1run%==no goto back1
set friend1run=no
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'Online-Friend1', style = 2, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = '%friend1name% is Offline', body = '%friend1name% is no longer on their computer. %time%'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
goto back1
if %friend2run%==yes goto back2
set friend2run=yes
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'Online-Friend2', style = 2, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = '%friend2name% is Online', body = '%friend2name% is on their computer.%time%'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
goto back2
if %Friend2run%==no goto back2
set friend2run=no
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'Online-Friend2', style = 2, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = '%friend2name% is Offline', body = '%friend2name% is no longer on their computer. %time%'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
goto back2
if %friend3run%==yes goto back3
set friend3run=yes
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'Online-Friend3', style = 3, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = '%friend3name% is Online', body = '%friend3name% is on their computer.%time%'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
goto back3
if %Friend3run%==no goto back3
set friend3run=no
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'Online-Friend3', style = 3, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = '%friend3name% is Offline', body = '%friend3name% is no longer on their computer. %time%'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
goto back3
if %friend4run%==yes goto back4
set friend4run=yes
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'Online-Friend4', style = 4, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = '%friend4name% is Online', body = '%friend4name% is on their computer.%time%'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
goto back4
if %Friend4run%==not goto back4
set friend4run=no
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'Online-Friend4', style = 4, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = '%friend4name% is Offline', body = '%friend4name% is no longer on their computer. %time%'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
goto back4
if %friend5run%==yes goto back5
set friend5run=yes
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'Online-Friend5', style = 5, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = '%friend5name% is Online', body = '%friend5name% is on their computer.%time%'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
goto back5
if %Friend5run%==not goto back5
set friend5run=no
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'Online-Friend5', style = 5, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = '%friend5name% is Offline', body = '%friend5name% is no longer on their computer. %time%'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
goto back5
"C:\Program files\Rainmeter\rainmeter.exe" ^!CommandMeasure "Notify" "notify({name = 'ITCMD', group = 'no-settings', style = 2, sound = 1, icon = 'Resources\\Images\\Welcome.png', title = 'Set Up ITCMD Notifier', body = 'Open the Location of the Notifier and edit settings.ini Then Restart the program.'})" "nxt-os\Notify"
echo :: Set Friend Usernames here! (Users set their own usernames) >settings.ini
echo. >>settings.ini
echo set Friend1=Set>>settings.ini
echo set Friend2=Set>>settings.ini
echo Set Friend3=Set>>settings.ini
echo Set Friend4=Set>>settings.ini
echo Set Friend5=Set>>settings.ini
echo. >>settings.ini
echo. >>settings.ini
echo :: Note: Do not change anything but the friend uernames! Fatal errors could occur. >>settings.ini
exit /b