我对 C++ 有点陌生,根本没有使用过 SDK。我正在尝试在 Visual Studio 2013 中使用 C++ 重新创建 MTurk 请求者站点的开发人员页面上提供的示例 API 调用,该调用应该从沙箱返回帐户余额。这是 python 的示例,从开发人员页面复制而来:
import boto3
region_name = 'us-east-1'
aws_access_key_id = 'YOUR_ACCESS_ID'
aws_secret_access_key = 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY'
endpoint_url = 'https://mturk-requester-sandbox.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'
# Uncomment this line to use in production
# endpoint_url = 'https://mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'
client = boto3.client('mturk',
endpoint_url = endpoint_url,
region_name = region_name,
aws_access_key_id = aws_access_key_id,
aws_secret_access_key = aws_secret_access_key,
# This will return $10,000.00 in the MTurk Developer Sandbox
print client.get_account_balance()['AvailableBalance']
#include <aws/core/Aws.h>
#include <aws/core/auth/awscredentialsprovider.h>
#include <aws/mturk-requester/MTurkClient.h>
#include <aws/core/client/ClientConfiguration.h>
#include <aws/mturk-requester/model/getaccountbalancerequest.h>
#include <aws/mturk-requester/model/getaccountbalanceresult.h>
#include <aws/core/utils/Outcome.h>
#include <aws/core/http/HttpRequest.h>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
using std::cout; using std::endl;
using namespace Aws::Auth;
using namespace Aws::MTurk;
using namespace Aws::MTurk::Model;
using namespace Aws::Client;
int main(){
Aws::SDKOptions options;
const char* access_key = "my key"; //I put the right keys in
const char* secret_access_key = "my secret key";
ClientConfiguration config;
config.region = "us_east_1";
config.endpointOverride = "https://mturk-requester-sandbox.us-east-1.amazonaws.com";
//Not sure if I need this to force sandbox mode
//Uncomment this line to use in production
//config.endpointOverride = "https://mturk-requester.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
AWSCredentials creds;
MTurkClient requester = MTurkClient(creds, config);
//not entirely sure what to do from here:
GetAccountBalanceResult bal;
//const GetAccountBalanceRequest& request = GetAccountBalanceRequest();
//bal.SetAvailableBalance(); If I set it, it'll return what I set
//This should return $10, 000.00 in the MTurk Developer Sandbox
cout << bal.GetAvailableBalance() << endl; //outputs empty string
cout << config.region << endl; //outputs us_east_1
//requester.GetAccountBalance(request); I feel like this is what I should be using to get the balance?
cout << creds.GetAWSAccessKeyId() << endl; //outputs the right key
return 0;
像这样,代码编译并运行带有注释的输出。我查看了AWS SDK for C++、文档以及 SDK .cpp 和 .h 文件本身。有关使用 SDK 向网站发送信息的任何帮助也会有所帮助!