有谁知道提供对多种平台(例如 Linux/Itanium、Max OS X/PPC 等)进行调试和可移植性测试的访问的 UNIX shell 提供程序?我想,既然有这样的服务是一个常见的问题,但是谷歌搜索并没有发现任何有趣的东西......
我对各种 CPU 上的 Linux 特别感兴趣,IA64 是目前最重要的。
---- The post that came back from the cold (3 year edit) ----
Launchpad gets pretty close, but it is not clear if their compiler farm can be reached by projects that are not managed by their project management software.
Most people eventually setup their own farm of servers, as simply having access to a machine might not even be enough. Often you will want to determine exactly what software is installed, which makes it very hard to reuse for a completely different project.
Fedora and OpenSUSE have a linux-specific build farms for the architectures they supports. It is unlikley that the extend such services to proprietary (or even non-their-distro) softare projects. That won't do much for the HPUX / Solaris / etc OS platforms.
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Have you tried SSH?
---- Original Post Follows ----
The problem with Shells is that even when you have a multi-platform shell, each platform has different executables installed, and different options on the executables you'll call from your shell.
For maximum portability, use Bourne shell, without extensions. That said, you'll find yourself in some pretty odd situations; as with Microsoft Windows platforms, Cygwin will require a few path altering tools to work well under the Cygwin environment.
The key is not only the shell, it's how to use it portably. For some guidance, look to this chapter in the Autotools manual
如果您正在开发自由软件,请查看 GCC CompileFarm:http ://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/CompileFarm
有许多提供shell 帐户的主机。例如,polarhome.com提供了多种环境可供选择。我不相信他们的硬件种类繁多。Shell 帐户的一次性费用为每个帐户(每个环境)“10 个当地货币单位”(最低 2 美元 - 对于美国用户来说是 10 美元)。