I am completely new to CMIS Tech. I am trying to change the Versionable Value to Yes for cmis:document type by using the CMIS Workbench.

The only option which I could find is relevant is to click on Update Type, but if you would refer to the attached image it's currently disabled.

Can anyone please suggest an alternative way to change the Versionable value to Yes ?

enter image description here


1 回答 1


如果“更新类型”按钮被禁用,则存储库不支持通过 CMIS 更新类型,或者不允许更新此类型,或者不允许更新类型。

在任何情况下,您都必须参考存储库的文档,了解如何通过本机界面或 UI 更改类型定义。不过,versionable 属性很特殊。如果存储库不支持版本控制或不支持此基本类型的版本控制,您将根本无法更改它。

于 2017-06-01T06:59:26.350 回答