, lseek
, pread
first second third forth fifth sixth
seventh eighth
我尝试从文件中读取偏移量为 10 的 20 个字节的主要函数:
#include <iostream>
#include "CacheFS.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
char * filename1 = "/Users/Desktop/File";
int fd1 = CacheFS_open(filename1);
//read from file and print it
void* buf[20];
CacheFS_pread(fd1, &buf, 20, 10);
cout << (char*)buf << endl;
int CacheFS_open(const char *pathname)
mode_t modes = O_SYNC | 0 | O_RDONLY;
int fd = open(pathname, modes);
return fd;
int CacheFS_pread(int file_id, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset)
off_t seek = lseek(file_id, offset, SEEK_SET);
off_t fileLength = lseek(file_id, 0, SEEK_END);
if (count + seek <= fileLength) //this case we are not getting to the file end when readin this chunk
pread(file_id, &buf, count, seek);
} else { //count is too big so we can only read a part of the chunk
off_t size = fileLength - seek;
pread(file_id, &buf, size, seek);
return 0;