I have a form in C# (WinForm). It looks like this:


blank space for labels that I add through code (I can fit 10 labels in this space)

(close button)

The blank space can hold about 10 labels.

I am stumped on how I would make this form scrollable if I want to add 20 labels? If I add 20 labels via code, then the 11th label will overlap with my close button and the 12th+ label(s) will run off the end of the form.

How do I make just the blank space portion of my form scrollable where I am creating the labels? I don't want to use a listbox.



4 回答 4


You should try using either a TableLayoutPanel or a FlowLayoutPanel as a container for your Label controls.

A TableLayoutPanel will allow you a finer level of control over where your labels are positioned. Like an HTML table, you specify the exact cell position (using row and column coordinates) of each control.

By contrast, a FlowLayoutPanel will handle the positioning of its contents automatically, either in a vertical or horizontal layout configuration. The positioning is determined by the order in which you add the controls, allowing you to achieve a dynamic layout with a minimal amount of fuss.

Either will allow you to add your label controls to it at run-time and size itself appropriately. In order for layout panel to be scrollable, make sure that you set its AutoScroll property to "True".

于 2010-12-13T10:54:12.640 回答

Maybe a FlowLayoutPanel with AutoScroll set to true and FlowDirection set to TopDown.

于 2010-12-13T10:54:06.697 回答

Place all controls inside a panel and use scrollbar control.

Understand .NET Scrollbars

于 2010-12-13T10:53:23.477 回答

You could use a FlowLayoutPanel.

Add as many labels you need and enable AutoScroll on the FlowLayoutPanel.

于 2010-12-13T10:55:29.347 回答