我正在将一个 Objective-C 项目翻译成 Swift。


Objective-C 中的代码:他使用了一种 C-Type 方法,即 swizzling 方法。执行自定义方法并继续运行系统方法:

void dzn_original_implementation(id self, SEL _cmd)
    // Fetch original implementation from lookup table
    Class baseClass = dzn_baseClassToSwizzleForTarget(self);
    NSString *key = dzn_implementationKey(baseClass, _cmd);

    NSDictionary *swizzleInfo = [_impLookupTable objectForKey:key];
    NSValue *impValue = [swizzleInfo valueForKey:DZNSwizzleInfoPointerKey];

    IMP impPointer = [impValue pointerValue];

    // We then inject the additional implementation for reloading the empty
    // dataset
    // Doing it before calling the original implementation does update the
    // 'isEmptyDataSetVisible' flag on time.
    [self dzn_reloadEmptyDataSet];

    // If found, call original implementation
    if (impPointer) {

我应该在 Swift 中做什么?如何从 IMP 中执行方法?

而且这个函数不仅仅为 reloadData() 准备,而是 endUpdate() !


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