I have a RN (0.44.2) mobx
(3.1.10) app which uses a FlatList
. I'm basically following https://blog.callstack.io/write-react-native-apps-in-2017-style-with-mobx-e2dffc209fcb
When using my own store, opposed to the examples, I'm having to use toJS()
in order to get the FlastList to render
// renders list
keyExtractor={(_, i) => i}
renderItem={({ item }) => <Text>found the data</Text>}
// does not render list
keyExtractor={(_, i) => i}
renderItem={({ item }) => <Text>did not find the data</Text>}
I'm really struggling to figure out why toJS()
might be needed in some cases and not others.
My store is setting the images observable like this
async getImageList(query: string) {
try {
const requestURL = `${constants.GIPHY_ENDPOINT}${query}`
const response = await axios.get(requestURL);
const imgs = response.data.data.map((item) => {
return { id: item.id, url: item.images.downsized.url }
} catch (e) {
As a follow up question, I'm not sure why I need to do the following this.images.replace(imgs)
where as in the tutorial he simply did does this.tracks = response.data.tracks.items
which triggers the observable just fine.
If anyone has suggestions, I would very much appreciate it.