它是用 C++/CLI 编写的,因此你们中的大多数人必须对其进行调整以在 C# 中使用。
#pragma once
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections::Generic;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
public ref class CDataGridViewMultiRow : DataGridViewRow
// constructor
CDataGridViewMultiRow ();
CDataGridViewMultiRow (bool i_bHideRows);
CDataGridViewMultiRow (bool i_bHideRows, ::DataGridView^ i_dgv);
// Clone
virtual Object^ Clone () override;
// Clear
void Clear ();
// Add, Insert
bool Add (DataGridViewRow^ i_dgvr);
bool Insert (int i_ixRow, DataGridViewRow^ i_dgvr);
// Remove
bool Remove (int i_ixRow);
bool Remove (DataGridViewRow^ i_dgvr);
// Update
void Update ();
// PaintRow
// description: manually paints the row.
// This method must be attached to the DataGridView's RowPrePaint event.
static void PaintRow (Object^ sender, DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventArgs^ e);
// properties
property DataGridViewRow^ Rows[int] { DataGridViewRow^ get (int i_ixRow);
void set (int i_ixRow, DataGridViewRow^ i_dgvr); }
property int RowCount { int get() { return m_listdgvr->Count;} }
property bool HideRows { bool get() { return m_bHideRows;}
void set(bool i_bHideRows); }
List<DataGridViewRow^>^ m_listdgvr;
bool m_bHideRows;
virtual void OnDataGridViewChanged () override;
void CommonConstructor (bool i_bHideRows,
::DataGridView^ i_dgv);
#include "CDataGridViewMultiRow.h"
using namespace Schmoll_SwCore;
// constructor
CDataGridViewMultiRow::CDataGridViewMultiRow () : DataGridViewRow ()
CommonConstructor (false, nullptr);
CDataGridViewMultiRow::CDataGridViewMultiRow (bool i_bHideRows) : DataGridViewRow ()
CommonConstructor (i_bHideRows, nullptr);
CDataGridViewMultiRow::CDataGridViewMultiRow (bool i_bHideRows, ::DataGridView^ i_dgv) : DataGridViewRow ()
CommonConstructor (i_bHideRows, i_dgv);
// property: Rows
DataGridViewRow^ CDataGridViewMultiRow::Rows::get (int i_ixRow)
if (i_ixRow < 0 || i_ixRow >= m_listdgvr->Count)
return nullptr;
return m_listdgvr[i_ixRow];
void CDataGridViewMultiRow::Rows::set (int i_ixRow, DataGridViewRow^ i_dgvr)
if (!i_dgvr)
if (i_ixRow < 0 || i_ixRow >= m_listdgvr->Count)
int ixDgvr = -1;
DataGridViewRow^ dgvr = m_listdgvr[i_ixRow];
if (dgvr->DataGridView
&& dgvr->DataGridView == this->DataGridView)
ixDgvr = dgvr->Index;
dgvr->DataGridView->Rows->Remove (dgvr);
m_listdgvr[i_ixRow] = i_dgvr;
if (this->DataGridView)
if (ixDgvr < 0)
ixDgvr = this->DataGridView->Rows->IndexOf (this) + 1 + i_ixRow;
this->DataGridView->Rows->Insert (ixDgvr, i_dgvr);
i_dgvr->Visible = !m_bHideRows;
// property: HideRows
void CDataGridViewMultiRow::HideRows::set (bool i_bHideRows)
m_bHideRows = i_bHideRows;
for (int ixRow = 0; ixRow < m_listdgvr->Count; ixRow++)
m_listdgvr[ixRow]->Visible = !m_bHideRows;
// Clone
Object^ CDataGridViewMultiRow::Clone ()
CDataGridViewMultiRow^ dgvr = (CDataGridViewMultiRow^)DataGridViewRow::Clone();
if (dgvr)
dgvr->m_bHideRows = this->m_bHideRows;
dgvr->m_listdgvr->AddRange (this->m_listdgvr);
return dgvr;
// Clear
void CDataGridViewMultiRow::Clear ()
for (int ixRow = 0; ixRow < m_listdgvr->Count; ixRow++)
if (m_listdgvr[ixRow]->DataGridView
&& m_listdgvr[ixRow]->DataGridView == this->DataGridView)
m_listdgvr[ixRow]->DataGridView->Rows->Remove (m_listdgvr[ixRow]);
m_listdgvr[ixRow]->Visible = true;
// Add
bool CDataGridViewMultiRow::Add (DataGridViewRow^ i_dgvr)
return Insert (m_listdgvr->Count, i_dgvr);
// Insert
bool CDataGridViewMultiRow::Insert (int i_ixRow, DataGridViewRow^ i_dgvr)
if (!i_dgvr)
return false;
if (i_dgvr->Index < 0)
return false; // block shared rows and rows that are not part of a DGV
if (i_ixRow < 0)
return false;
else if (i_ixRow > m_listdgvr->Count)
i_ixRow = m_listdgvr->Count;
m_listdgvr->Insert (i_ixRow, i_dgvr);
if (i_dgvr->DataGridView
&& i_dgvr->DataGridView != this->DataGridView)
i_dgvr->DataGridView->Rows->Remove (i_dgvr);
if (this->DataGridView)
int ixDgvr = this->DataGridView->Rows->IndexOf (this) + 1 + i_ixRow;
if (i_dgvr->DataGridView == this->DataGridView
&& i_dgvr->Index != ixDgvr)
i_dgvr->DataGridView->Rows->Remove (i_dgvr);
ixDgvr = this->DataGridView->Rows->IndexOf (this) + 1 + i_ixRow;
if (i_dgvr->DataGridView != this->DataGridView)
this->DataGridView->Rows->Insert (ixDgvr, i_dgvr);
i_dgvr->Visible = !m_bHideRows;
return true;
// Remove
bool CDataGridViewMultiRow::Remove (int i_ixRow)
return Remove (Rows[i_ixRow]);
// Remove
bool CDataGridViewMultiRow::Remove (DataGridViewRow^ i_dgvr)
bool bResult = m_listdgvr->Remove (i_dgvr);
if (i_dgvr)
if (i_dgvr->DataGridView
&& i_dgvr->DataGridView == this->DataGridView)
i_dgvr->DataGridView->Rows->Remove (i_dgvr);
i_dgvr->Visible = true;
return bResult;
// Update
void CDataGridViewMultiRow::Update ()
if (!this->DataGridView)
if (this->Index < 0)
throw gcnew InvalidOperationException ("Index is < 0. This may happen if the row was created by CreateCells(), then added to a DGV, which made a previously shared row become unshared, and then being accessed by the same invalidated object. Get the updated row object from the DGV.");
array<int>^ aiNewLines = gcnew array<int>(m_listdgvr->Count);
array<String^, 2>^ a2sValue = gcnew array<String^, 2>(this->Cells->Count, m_listdgvr->Count);
for (int ixCell = 0; ixCell < Cells->Count; ixCell++)
for (int ixRow = 0; ixRow < m_listdgvr->Count; ixRow++)
if (m_listdgvr[ixRow]->Index < 0)
Object^ oValue = m_listdgvr[ixRow]->Cells[ixCell]->Value;
if (oValue)
a2sValue[ixCell, ixRow] = oValue->ToString();
int iNewLines = CString::Count (a2sValue[ixCell, ixRow], CONSTS::CRLF, StringComparison::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
aiNewLines[ixRow] = Math::Max (aiNewLines[ixRow], iNewLines);
for (int ixCell = 0; ixCell < Cells->Count; ixCell++)
String^ sText = nullptr;
for (int ixRow = 0; ixRow < m_listdgvr->Count; ixRow++)
if (ixRow > 0)
sText += CONSTS::CRLF;
sText += a2sValue[ixCell, ixRow];
int iNewLines = CString::Count (a2sValue[ixCell, ixRow], CONSTS::CRLF, StringComparison::InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
sText += CString::Repeat (CONSTS::CRLF, aiNewLines[ixRow] - iNewLines);
this->Cells[ixCell]->Value = sText;
// OnDataGridViewChanged
void CDataGridViewMultiRow::OnDataGridViewChanged ()
if (this->DataGridView)
int ixDgvr = this->DataGridView->Rows->IndexOf (this) + 1;
for (int ixCnt = 0; ixCnt < m_listdgvr->Count; ixCnt++)
DataGridView->Rows->Insert (ixDgvr + ixCnt, m_listdgvr[ixCnt]);
for (int ixCnt = 0; ixCnt < m_listdgvr->Count; ixCnt++)
m_listdgvr[ixCnt]->DataGridView->Rows->Remove (m_listdgvr[ixCnt]);
// PaintRow
void CDataGridViewMultiRow::PaintRow (Object^ sender, DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventArgs^ e)
::DataGridView^ dgv = dynamic_cast<::DataGridView^>(sender);
if (!dgv)
if (e->RowIndex < 0 || e->RowIndex >= dgv->RowCount)
CDataGridViewMultiRow^ dgvmr = dynamic_cast<CDataGridViewMultiRow^>(dgv->Rows->SharedRow(e->RowIndex));
if (!dgvmr)
if (dgvmr->DataGridView != dgv)
bool bAutoHeight = dgv->AutoSizeRowsMode == DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode::AllCells
|| dgv->AutoSizeRowsMode == DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode::AllCellsExceptHeaders
|| dgv->AutoSizeRowsMode == DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode::DisplayedCells
|| dgv->AutoSizeRowsMode == DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode::DisplayedCellsExceptHeaders;
Graphics^ g = e->Graphics;
StringFormatFlags enFlags = (StringFormatFlags)0;
if (dgvmr->InheritedStyle->WrapMode != DataGridViewTriState::True)
enFlags = enFlags | StringFormatFlags::NoWrap;
StringFormat^ oStringFormat = gcnew StringFormat(enFlags);
array<float>^ afRowHeight = gcnew array<float>(dgvmr->RowCount);
array<int>^ aiLines = gcnew array<int> (dgvmr->RowCount);
array<int, 2>^ a2iLines = gcnew array<int, 2>(dgvmr->Cells->Count, dgvmr->RowCount);
array<String^, 2>^ a2sValue = gcnew array<String^, 2>(dgvmr->Cells->Count, dgvmr->RowCount);
for (int ixRow = 0; ixRow < dgvmr->RowCount; ixRow++)
DataGridViewRow^ dgvr = dgvmr->Rows[ixRow];
for (int ixCell = 0; ixCell < dgvmr->Cells->Count; ixCell++)
if (dgvr->Index < 0)
Object^ oValue = dgvr->Cells[ixCell]->Value;
if (!oValue)
a2sValue[ixCell, ixRow] = oValue->ToString();
int iCharacters = 0, iLines = 0;
SizeF oLayoutArea ((float)dgvmr->Cells[ixCell]->Size.Width, 0);
SizeF oTextSize = g->MeasureString (a2sValue[ixCell, ixRow],
float fHeight = oTextSize.Height;
if (!bAutoHeight)
fHeight += 4;
afRowHeight[ixRow] = Math::Max (afRowHeight[ixRow], fHeight);
a2iLines[ixCell, ixRow] = iLines;
aiLines[ixRow] = Math::Max (aiLines[ixRow], iLines);
int iLength = dgv->Columns->GetColumnsWidth(DataGridViewElementStates::Visible);
int iHeight = (int)Math::Ceiling(CMath::Sum (afRowHeight));
dgvmr->Height = iHeight;
e->PaintCellsBackground (e->ClipBounds, true);
int iPositionX = e->RowBounds.X + dgvmr->HeaderCell->Size.Width - dgv->HorizontalScrollingOffset;
int iPositionY = 0;
for (int ixCell = 0; ixCell < dgvmr->Cells->Count; ixCell++)
String^ sText = nullptr;
DataGridViewCell^ oCell = dgvmr->Cells[ixCell];
Color oTextColor = oCell->Selected ? oCell->InheritedStyle->SelectionForeColor : oCell->InheritedStyle->ForeColor;
Drawing::Brush^ oBrush = gcnew Drawing::SolidBrush (oTextColor);
iPositionY = e->RowBounds.Y;
if (!bAutoHeight)
iPositionY += 2;
for (int ixRow = 0; ixRow < dgvmr->RowCount; ixRow++)
if (ixRow > 0)
sText += CONSTS::CRLF;
sText += a2sValue[ixCell, ixRow];
sText += CString::Repeat (CONSTS::CRLF, aiLines[ixRow] - a2iLines[ixCell, ixRow]);
Rectangle oRectText (iPositionX, iPositionY, oCell->Size.Width, oCell->Size.Height);
g->DrawString (a2sValue[ixCell, ixRow], oCell->InheritedStyle->Font, oBrush, oRectText, oStringFormat);
iPositionY += (int)afRowHeight[ixRow];
dgvmr->Cells[ixCell]->Value = sText;
iPositionX += oCell->Size.Width;
Color oLineColor = dgvmr->Selected ? dgvmr->InheritedStyle->SelectionForeColor : dgvmr->InheritedStyle->ForeColor;
Pen^ oPen = gcnew Pen(oLineColor , 1);
oPen->DashPattern = gcnew array<float>{5, 15};
iPositionX = e->RowBounds.X + dgvmr->HeaderCell->Size.Width - dgv->HorizontalScrollingOffset;
iPositionY = e->RowBounds.Y;
for (int ixRow = 0; ixRow < dgvmr->RowCount - 1; ixRow++)
iPositionY += (int)afRowHeight[ixRow];
g->DrawLine (oPen, iPositionX, iPositionY,
iPositionX + iLength, iPositionY);
e->PaintHeader (true);
e->Handled = true;
// CommonConstructor
void CDataGridViewMultiRow::CommonConstructor ( bool i_bHideRows,
::DataGridView^ i_dgv)
m_bHideRows = i_bHideRows;
if (i_dgv)
m_listdgvr = gcnew List<DataGridViewRow^>;
this->ReadOnly = true;