我正在尝试在 SoapUI 中构建 json 请求并尝试发布到测试步骤。为了构建请求,我有以下代码。当我执行它时,它会抛出一个 JsonException (下面提供的文本。)任何建议将不胜感激。我已经为 60 多项服务完成了此操作(所以我已经完成了 1001 次)并且所有这些服务都已通过/工作。我无法确定这里的问题是什么。谢谢!
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def setReqPayload ( pArrKeyValues ) {//[objId, dirInd, selActId, actDt, coType, secId]
def jsonPayload = '''
"objectId" : "",
"actDate": "",
"dirIndicator" : "",
"selectActId" : "",
"coInfo" : {"secId" : "","coType" : ""}
// parse the request
def jsonReq = new JsonSlurper ( ).parseText ( jsonPayload )
jsonReq.objectId = pArrKeyValues [ 0 ] )
jsonReq.dirIndicator = pArrKeyValues [ 1 ]
jsonReq.selectActId = pArrKeyValues [ 2 ]
jsonReq.actDate = pArrKeyValues [ 3 ]
jsonReq.coInfo.coType = pArrKeyValues [ 4 ]
jsonReq.coInfo.secId = pArrKeyValues [ 5 ]
log.info "REQUEST JSON SLURP: " + jsonReq
return jsonReq
ERROR:groovy.json.JsonException: expecting '}' or ',' but got current char ' ' with an int value of 160 The current character read is ' ' with an int value of 160
// parse the request
def parser = new JsonSlurper ( ).setType ( JsonParserType.LAX )
def jsonReq = JsonOutput.toJson ( parser.parseText ( jsonPayload ) )