在 VBA 中使用 ExecuteExcel4Macro 函数时,如何在 Excel VBA 中正确构造 VLOOKUP 语句?
我有一个函数可以成功地在另一个 excel 工作簿中查找一个值,而无需使用 ExecuteExcel4Macro 打开它,但是当我尝试将语句更改为 VLOOKUP 语句时,我收到运行时错误 1004:
Public Function fGetValueTest(sFilePath, sFileName, sSourceSheet, sSourceCell, vVal, Col)
'Returns the value of a cell from a closed file [BD]
'Declaring variables [BD]
Dim sStringMacro As String
Dim externalValue As Variant
'Setting variables [BD]
externalValue = ExecuteExcel4Macro("'" & sFilePath & "[" & sFileName & "]" & sSourceSheet & "'!" & _
Range("A1").Range(sSourceCell).Address(, , xlR1C1))
'Exception error on file not found [BD]
If Dir(sFilePath & sFileName) = "" Then
fGetValueTest = "File Not Found!"
Exit Function
End If
'If value of source cell is N/A [BD]:
If Application.IsNA(externalValue) Then
'Skip and move on [BD]
fGetValueTest = "0"
ElseIf IsError(externalValue) Then
MsgBox "Error - Check fGetValue Function"
'Creating macro variable [BD]
sStringMacro = "'" & sFilePath & "[" & sFileName & "]" & sSourceSheet & "'!" & _
Range("A1").Range(sSourceCell).Address(, , xlR1C1)
fGetValueTest = ExecuteExcel4Macro("Vlookup(" & vVal & "," & sStringMacro & "," & Col & ",0)")
End If
End Function
Sub TestGetValue()
Dim sFileName As String
Dim sFilePath As String
Dim sSourceSheet As String
Dim sSourceCell As String
Dim sDestinationCell As String
Dim sDestinationSheet As String
Dim vVal As String
Dim Col As String
sFileName = "0306-0312 Margin Master.xlsx"
sFilePath = "\\store\GroupDrives\Pricing\_Deli_\Deli Fresh Shift\Margin Master\"
sSourceSheet = "Bakery"
sDestinationSheet = "TestSheet"
sSourceCell = "G10"
sDestinationCell = "G10"
vVal = "A10"
Col = 3
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sDestinationSheet).Range(sDestinationCell) = fGetValueTest(sFilePath, sFileName, sSourceSheet, sSourceCell, vVal, Col)
End Sub
我没有看到 VLOOKUP 语句的构造方式有任何错误,ExecuteExcel4Macro 是否需要不同类型的语句,还是这里发生了其他事情?
任何帮助将不胜感激,如果有人碰巧知道是否有 ExecuteExcel4Macro 的手册或任何具有实际价值的文档也将有所帮助!