这是 Drupals 颜色函数 + 一些不同的程序员工作混合成一个单一的函数的开源组合,拥有 RGB > HSL 并返回。它完美无缺。
### RGB >> HSL
function _color_rgb2hsl($rgb) {
$r = $rgb[0]; $g = $rgb[1]; $b = $rgb[2];
$min = min($r, min($g, $b)); $max = max($r, max($g, $b));
$delta = $max - $min; $l = ($min + $max) / 2; $s = 0;
if ($l > 0 && $l < 1) {
$s = $delta / ($l < 0.5 ? (2 * $l) : (2 - 2 * $l));
$h = 0;
if ($delta > 0) {
if ($max == $r && $max != $g) $h += ($g - $b) / $delta;
if ($max == $g && $max != $b) $h += (2 + ($b - $r) / $delta);
if ($max == $b && $max != $r) $h += (4 + ($r - $g) / $delta);
$h /= 6;
} return array($h, $s, $l);
### HSL >> RGB
function _color_hsl2rgb($hsl) {
$h = $hsl[0]; $s = $hsl[1]; $l = $hsl[2];
$m2 = ($l <= 0.5) ? $l * ($s + 1) : $l + $s - $l*$s;
$m1 = $l * 2 - $m2;
return array(_color_hue2rgb($m1, $m2, $h + 0.33333),
_color_hue2rgb($m1, $m2, $h),
_color_hue2rgb($m1, $m2, $h - 0.33333));
### Helper function for _color_hsl2rgb().
function _color_hue2rgb($m1, $m2, $h) {
$h = ($h < 0) ? $h + 1 : (($h > 1) ? $h - 1 : $h);
if ($h * 6 < 1) return $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * $h * 6;
if ($h * 2 < 1) return $m2;
if ($h * 3 < 2) return $m1 + ($m2 - $m1) * (0.66666 - $h) * 6;
return $m1;
### Convert a hex color into an RGB triplet.
function _color_unpack($hex, $normalize = false) {
if (strlen($hex) == 4) {
$hex = $hex[1] . $hex[1] . $hex[2] . $hex[2] . $hex[3] . $hex[3];
} $c = hexdec($hex);
for ($i = 16; $i >= 0; $i -= 8) {
$out[] = (($c >> $i) & 0xFF) / ($normalize ? 255 : 1);
} return $out;
### Convert an RGB triplet to a hex color.
function _color_pack($rgb, $normalize = false) {
foreach ($rgb as $k => $v) {
$out |= (($v * ($normalize ? 255 : 1)) << (16 - $k * 8));
}return '#'. str_pad(dechex($out), 6, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
/* $testrgb = array(0.2,0.75,0.4); //RGB to start with
print_r($testrgb); */
print "Hex: ";
$testhex = "#b7b700";
print $testhex;
$testhex2rgb = _color_unpack($testhex,true);
print "<br />RGB: ";
print "<br />HSL color module: ";
$testrgb2hsl = _color_rgb2hsl($testhex2rgb); //Converteren naar HSL
print "<br />RGB: ";
$testhsl2rgb = _color_hsl2rgb($testrgb2hsl); // En weer terug naar RGB
print "<br />Hex: ";
$testrgb2hex = _color_pack($testhsl2rgb,true);