
count(case when call_type='I' and cl.client_ID not like 391 and c.call_start  >= '2017/04/01' and c.call_start  <= '2017/04/30'then 1 else null end) as Incoming_Main_April, 
count(case when call_type='O' and cl.client_ID not like 391 and c.call_start  >= '2017/04/01' and c.call_start  <= '2017/04/30'then 1 else null end) as Outgoing_Main_April,
count(case when call_type='I' and cl.client_ID=391 and c.call_start  >= '2017/04/01' and c.call_start  <= '2017/04/30'then 1 else null end) as Incoming_SMG_April,
count(case when call_type='O' and cl.client_ID=391 and c.call_start  >= '2017/04/01' and c.call_start  <= '2017/04/30'then 1 else null end) as Outgoing_SMG_April

  CALLS c 
  left outer join CONTACTS ct on c.CONTACT_ID= ct.CONTACT_ID
  left outer join clients cl on cl.client_id= ct.COMPANY_ID where cl.RECORD_STATUS='A' 
  and c.OPERATOR_ID in (1510,2938,12443,4482,8911,6947,2056,1969,1952,2223,1511,2224,2039,2055,2085,1949,5963,1502,11112,1633,2034,2057)  

order by

例如,上面将给我 4 列和 1 行结果。现在我想让 March(例如)在第二行......等等。



1 回答 1


恕我直言,你最好使用 a GROUP BY

  extract(month from c.call_start) as MyMonth,
  count(case when call_type='I' and cl.client_ID not like 391 then 1 else null end) as Incoming_Main, 
  count(case when call_type='O' and cl.client_ID not like 391 then 1 else null end) as Outgoing_Main,
  count(case when call_type='I' and cl.client_ID = 391        then 1 else null end) as Incoming_SMG,
  count(case when call_type='O' and cl.client_ID = 391        then 1 else null end) as Outgoing_SMG
  CALLS c 
  left outer join CONTACTS ct on c.CONTACT_ID= ct.CONTACT_ID
  left outer join clients cl on cl.client_id= ct.COMPANY_ID
where cl.RECORD_STATUS='A' 
  and c.OPERATOR_ID in (1510,2938,12443,4482,8911,6947,2056,1969,1952,2223,1511,2224,2039,2055,2085,1949,5963,1502,11112,1633,2034,2057)
  and extract(month from c.call_start) between 3 and 4 -- only return entries from March and April
group by
  extract(month from c.call_start)
order by

请注意,我如何在和EXTRACT()之后包含评估。selectwheregroup by

于 2017-05-23T11:42:02.453 回答