I am moving from Delphi XE4 to 10.2. The new Units Names style of black text against a dark gray background does not suit my eyesight. Can anybody suggest how to change it, preferably without using 3rd party add-ins?

This is how the new style looks like, its very hard for me to read active unit name: Tokio units tabsheet

This is how my XE4 unit sheet looks like, and what I expect from the new IDE aswell: image


1 回答 1


您可以尝试从 IDE 的“Known IDE Package”注册表设置中排除 ModernTheme250.bpl:打开“regedit.exe”,导航到 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\19.0\Known IDE Packages 找到名为“$(BDS) \Bin\ModernTheme250.bpl”。编辑此条目以将值 (!) [不是名称] 更改为以下划线 _ 开头。这将禁用此软件包的beeing加载,您将恢复旧样式。

于 2017-05-25T15:26:16.260 回答