我正在尝试使用远程 API 从另一个 GAE 项目访问一个应用程序的 DataStore。我正在使用以下代码:
String serverString = "http://example.com";//this should be the target appengine
RemoteApiOptions options;
if (serverString.equals("localhost")) {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 8080).useDevelopmentServerCredential();
} else {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 80).useApplicationDefaultCredential();
RemoteApiInstaller installer = new RemoteApiInstaller();
datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
try {
results = datastore.get(KeyFactory.createKey("some key"));
} catch (EntityNotFoundException e) {
return null;
. 部署后,从 appengine 上的错误报告中看到的错误是:话虽如此HttpResponseException: 401 You must be logged in as an administrator, or access from an approved application.
,我使用以下代码制作了一个小型 java 应用程序:
String serverString = "http://example.com";//same string as the one used in the above code
RemoteApiOptions options;
if (serverString.equals("localhost")) {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 8080).useDevelopmentServerCredential();
} else {
options = new RemoteApiOptions().server(serverString, 80).useApplicationDefaultCredential();
RemoteApiInstaller installer = new RemoteApiInstaller();
try {
DatastoreService ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService();
System.out.println("Key of new entity is " + ds.put(new Entity("Hello Remote API!")));
这个有效!添加了 Hello Remote API 实体。