所以我想在我的本地机器上测试一个与 Cassandra 交互的 API。在我的func TestMain(m *testing.M)函数中,我想在运行测试之前清除表格。TestMain函数看起来像这样......

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
    keyspace = "staging"

    client = http.DefaultClient

    // Ensure all tables are empty before tests run
    err := ClearAllTables()
    if err != nil {
        logrus.Errorf("Failed to clear all tables: %v.", err)

    // Run tests
    statusCode := m.Run()



func ClearAllTables() (err error) {

    // Create a DB session
    session := cassandra.CreateSession()
    defer session.Close()

    // Get names of all existing tables
    tableNameList := []string{"cliques", "users"}

    // Remove all rows from each table
    var count int
    for _, tableName := range tableNameList {

        if err := session.Query(`TRUNCATE TABLE ` + tableName).Exec(); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

出于某种原因,当我尝试 TRUNCATE 表时,Cassandra 超时,我收到错误消息......

level=error msg="Failed to clear all tables: gocql: no response received from cassandra within timeout period."

这似乎只在我测试程序时发生。我在 main 函数中写了一段代码,效果很好。

func main () {
    session := cassandra.CreateSession()
    defer session.Close()

    if err := session.Query(`TRUNCATE TABLE cliques`).Exec(); err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Table truncated") //works


这是我创建我的 cassandra 会话的方式...

// CreateSession connect to a cassandra instance
func CreateSession() *gocql.Session {
    // Connect to the cluster
    cluster := gocql.NewCluster("")
    cluster.Keyspace = "staging"
    cluster.ProtoVersion = 4
    cluster.CQLVersion = "3.0.0"
    cluster.Consistency = gocql.One

    session, err := cluster.CreateSession()
    if err != nil {
        logrus.Errorf("Failed to connect to Cassandra: %v.", err)
    return session

我错过了任何东西,为什么 Cassandra 可以正常工作go run main.go但不能正常工作go test


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