I have a question about using Play + Slick, and the slick evolutions.

Someone told me to always wrap the evolutions statements in a transaction (in order not to leave the DB with half evolution applied). In the case we were seeing, with Postgres it would mean to start the Up/Down with a BEGIN; and end with a COMMIT;

1st I find it hard to remember in every evolution to put those keywords.

2nd I find it hard to believe that play/slick doesn't already have an option/configuration to do that.

So, is there any way to make play/slick to wrap every evolution in a transaction in order not to leave an evolution half applied? (I saw the autocommit config but not sure if that's what I want: https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.5.x/Evolutions#Evolutions-configuration)

ps: using Play 2.4.x with slick 2.1.0, if relevant (but would also like to know about other versions)


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