我正在使用 Laravel PHP 框架,我想使用 tmdb 包。
我可以在 json 中看到发布日期。这是截图
{!! $movie->getTitle() !!}
{!! $movie->getReleaseDate() !!}
Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\hallofsound\resources\views\welcome.blade.php)
这是我的完整 Json 输出
ResultCollection {#1811 ▼
-page: 1
-totalPages: 36
-totalResults: 702
#data: array:20 [▼
"000000004255a5960000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#1816 ▼
-adult: false
-backdropPath: "/aJn9XeesqsrSLKcHfHP4u5985hn.jpg"
-backdrop: BackdropImage {#1327 ▶}
-belongsToCollection: null
-budget: null
-genres: Genres {#1832 ▶}
-homepage: null
-id: 283995
-imdbId: null
-originalTitle: "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2"
-originalLanguage: "en"
-overview: "The Guardians must fight to keep their newfound family together as they unravel the mysteries of Peter Quill's true parentage."
-popularity: 115.058584
-poster: PosterImage {#1837 ▶}
-posterPath: "/y4MBh0EjBlMuOzv9axM4qJlmhzz.jpg"
-productionCompanies: GenericCollection {#1331 ▶}
-productionCountries: GenericCollection {#1830 ▶}
-releaseDate: DateTime {#1840 ▶}
-revenue: null
-runtime: null
-spokenLanguages: GenericCollection {#1828 ▶}
-status: null
-tagline: null
-title: "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2"
-voteAverage: 7.6
-voteCount: 1539
#alternativeTitles: GenericCollection {#1826 ▶}
#changes: GenericCollection {#1829 ▶}
#credits: CreditsCollection {#1821 ▶}
#images: Images {#1319 ▶}
#keywords: GenericCollection {#1824 ▶}
#lists: GenericCollection {#1820 ▶}
#releases: GenericCollection {#1316 ▶}
#release_dates: GenericCollection {#1822 ▶}
#similar: GenericCollection {#1819 ▶}
#translations: GenericCollection {#1825 ▶}
#reviews: null
#videos: Videos {#1831 ▶}
"000000004255a5a00000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#1838 ▶}
"000000004255a5c90000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#1863 ▶}
"000000004255a5ee0000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#1888 ▶}
"000000004255a5f70000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#1913 ▶}
"000000004255a51f0000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#1937 ▶}
"000000004255a5240000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#1962 ▶}
"000000004255a54d0000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#1987 ▶}
"000000004255a5550000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2011 ▶}
"000000004255a57d0000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2035 ▶}
"000000004255aa840000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2058 ▶}
"000000004255aaac0000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2082 ▶}
"000000004255aab50000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2107 ▶}
"000000004255aadb0000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2133 ▶}
"000000004255aae00000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2158 ▶}
"000000004255aa080000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2182 ▶}
"000000004255aa110000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2207 ▶}
"000000004255aa360000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2232 ▶}
"000000004255aa5f0000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2257 ▶}
"000000004255aa640000000012a0a3a3" => Movie {#2282 ▶}