I'm fairly new to deployment and pipelines, however today I managed to have them working on a simple test site. I'm now trying to replicate the same on a proper website but it fails during the init. I have many files to upload (~3000) as it's the first upload and I'm not sure if it's failing because of this or for some other reasons (the log doesn't say anything specific). Is there any more detailed log that gives more information about what's going on?

Thank you

here's my yml

image: samueldebruyn/debian-git

       - step:
            - apt-get update
            - apt-get -qq install git-ftp
            - git ftp init --user $FTPU --passwd $FTPP ftp_url

and this is the log. if always fail at the 43rd file

git ftp init --user $FTPU --passwd $FTPP ftp_url
+ git ftp init --user $FTPU --passwd $FTPP ftp_url
There are 2914 files to sync:
[1 of 2914] Buffered for upload URL
[2 of 2914] ...

[43 of 2914] Buffered for upload URL
Uploading ...
fatal: Could not upload files., exiting...

the log with -v

Thu May 18 13:24:27 UTC 2017: [43 of 2914] Buffered for upload url.
Thu May 18 13:24:27 UTC 2017: Uploading ...
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (9) Failed to MKD dir: 550
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (9) Failed to MKD dir: 550
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (9) Failed to MKD dir: 550
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (9) Failed to MKD dir: 550
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
curl: (25) Failed FTP upload: 553
Thu May 18 13:24:41 UTC 2017: fatal: Could not upload files., exiting...

2 回答 2


如前所述,至少尝试在您的git ftp init命令中添加 -v 。这会给你一个更好的主意。

另外,当然,尝试只上传几个文件的相同命令,以确定文件数量是否是问题:2014 年就是这种情况问题 88,理论上由PR 104修复)

于 2017-05-18T04:39:56.573 回答

您使用的 FTP 帐户似乎没有足够的权限来创建所需的目录。这会导致脚本不断重试,直到超时。

curl: (9) Failed to MKD dir: 550

首先尝试使用像 FileZilla 这样的 FTP 应用程序测试帐户,然后复制目录的创建,看看它是否允许您这样做。

于 2017-08-21T07:11:12.640 回答