在我的 mod.scss 文件中的其他地方对 Scss/Sass非常Ul > li陌生,已经编写了我经常重复使用的样式。但是,在另一个 mod.scss 文件中,我需要为单个特定实例更改此代码。

是否可以从本质上创建一个类似 if 的语句:“如果 UL/LI 标签出现在.content-section类下,则采取行为 X、Y 和 z”?

    margin: 40px 0px;

    & .siteTitleText 
        margin-bottom: 50px;

    & .headers
        margin-bottom: 30px;

        margin: 30px 0px;




<div class="content-section vendors">
    <p class="headers">Modules, partials, and vendor</p>
    <p class="bodyText">As you can see this divides my project into three basic types of files. Modules, partials, and vendored stylesheets.</p>
        <li class="bodyText">The modules directory is reserved for Sass code that doesn't cause Sass to actually output CSS. Things like mixin declarations, functions, and variables.</li>

        <li class="bodyText">The partials directory is where the meat of my CSS is constructed. A lot of folks like to break their stylesheets into header, content, sidebar, and footer components (and a few others). As I'm more of a SMACSS guy myself, I like to break things down into much finer categories (typography, buttons, textboxes, selectboxes, etc…).</li>

        <li class="bodyText"></li>

1 回答 1


使用+代码中的 选择结束标记下方的下一个匹配项如果您希望在.content-section.

参考:w3 文档

.content-section {
    margin: 40px 0px;

    & .siteTitleText {
        margin-bottom: 50px;

    & .headers {
        margin-bottom: 30px;

    img {
        margin: 30px 0px;

    ul, li { // If .content-section has a child named ul or li, do this:
        margin: 100px;
于 2017-05-17T15:21:51.517 回答