我正在本地网络中的两台 Mac 上同步我的站点文件夹。readme.txt
由于两台 Mac 上的插件或主题版本不同,此文件夹中的某些 Wordpress 站点包含不同的文件。它们的文件大小和时间戳不同。
merge = Name *.txt -> diff3 CURRENT1 CURRENTARCHOPT CURRENT2 > NEW
文件。当我开始同步时,Unison 给我这些文件的合并错误。这是一个典型的输出:
Contacting server...
Connected [//mac1.local//Users/timm -> //mac2.local//Users/timm]
Looking for changes
Waiting for changes from server
Reconciling changes
local mac1.local
new file <-M-> new file Sites/wp-sites/example.dev/wp-content/plugins/kocuj-sitemap/readme.txt
Proceed with propagating updates? [] y
Propagating updates
UNISON 2.48.4 started propagating changes at 15:21:22.86 on 16 May 2017
Merge command: diff3 '/Users/timm/Sites/wp-sites/example.dev/wp-content/plugins/kocuj-sitemap/.unison.merge1-readme.txt' '/Users/timm/Sites/wp-sites/example.dev/wp-content/plugins/kocuj-sitemap/.unison.merge2-readme.txt' > '/Users/timm/Sites/wp-sites/example.dev/wp-content/plugins/kocuj-sitemap/.unison.mergenew1-readme.txt'
Merge result (exited (2)):
diff3: missing operand after `/Users/timm/Sites/wp-sites/example.dev/wp-content/plugins/kocuj-sitemap/.unison.merge2-readme.txt'
diff3: Try `diff3 --help' for more information.
Saving synchronizer state
Synchronization incomplete at 15:21:24 (0 items transferred, 0 skipped, 1 failed)
failed: Sites/wp-sites/example.dev/wp-content/plugins/kocuj-sitemap/readme.txt
ignore = Name {Sites/*/readme.txt}
但出于某种原因,Unison 并没有忽略它们。问题是,我需要合并文本文件,因为我的文档依赖于简单的文本文件。default.prf
# default profile
root = /Users/timm/
root = ssh://mac2.local//Users/timm/
path = Sites
auto = true
times = true
# ignore permissions
perms = 0
rsrc = false
ignore = Name {.DS_Store}
ignore = Name {.localized}
ignore = Name {*/*.app/*}
ignore = Name {*/temp/*}
ignore = Name {*/cache/*}
ignore = Name {Sites/*/wp-content/languages/*}
ignore = Name {Sites/*/wp-content/plugins/*}
ignore = Name {Sites/*/wp-content/themes/twenty*}
ignore = Name {Sites/*/wp-sites/wordpress/*}
# ???
ignore = Name {Sites/*/readme.txt}
# diff and merge
diff = diff
merge = Name *.txt -> diff3 CURRENT1 CURRENTARCHOPT CURRENT2 > NEW
backup = Name *.txt
backupcurrent = Name *.txt
maxbackups = 10
log = true
logfile = /Users/timm/.unison/unison.log
我在 Mac El Capitan 10.11.6 上运行 Unison 2.48.4。
我是否忽略了一个设置?有没有其他方法可以使 Unison 复制而不合并新文件?