
          0     1     2     3       ids
0      17.0  18.0  16.0  15.0      13.0
1      18.0  16.0  15.0  15.0      13.0
2      16.0  15.0  15.0  16.0      13.0
131    12.0   8.0  21.0  19.0      14.0
132     8.0  21.0  19.0  20.0      14.0
133    21.0  19.0  20.0   9.0      14.0
248     NaN   NaN  12.0  11.0      17.0
249     NaN  12.0  11.0  10.0      17.0
250    12.0  11.0  10.0   NaN      17.0
287     3.0   3.0   1.0   8.0      20.0
288     3.0   1.0   8.0   3.0      20.0
289     1.0   8.0   3.0   3.0      20.0
413    21.0   7.0  16.0  18.0      25.0
414     7.0  16.0  18.0  19.0      25.0
415    16.0  18.0  19.0  18.0      25.0
665    10.0   8.0   8.0   7.0      27.0
666     8.0   8.0   7.0   9.0      27.0
667     8.0   7.0   9.0   8.0      27.0
790     NaN   NaN  15.0   NaN      33.0
791     NaN  15.0   NaN  10.0      33.0
792    15.0   NaN  10.0   NaN      33.0
812     NaN  16.0   NaN  17.0      34.0
813    16.0   NaN  17.0   NaN      34.0
814     NaN  17.0   NaN  13.0      34.0
944     3.0   4.0   3.0  18.0      35.0
945     4.0   3.0  18.0  18.0      35.0
946     3.0  18.0  18.0  11.0      35.0
1059    9.0  10.0   3.0   4.0      56.0
1060   10.0   3.0   4.0   3.0      56.0
1061    3.0   4.0   3.0   3.0      56.0
    ...   ...   ...   ...       ...
10125   NaN   9.0   5.0   5.0  101317.0
10126   9.0   5.0   5.0   5.0  101317.0
10127   5.0   5.0   5.0   7.0  101317.0



  • 获取唯一值ids
  • 将唯一值随机分成两个不相交的组
  • 根据ids两组中的值选择行.isin()

我想知道是否有一种简单而简洁的方法可以使用一些 pandas 内置函数来完成,比如.sample()


2 回答 2



from sklearn.model_selection import GroupShuffleSplit

# Initialize the GroupShuffleSplit.
gss = GroupShuffleSplit(n_splits=1, test_size=0.5)

# Get the indexers for the split.
idx1, idx2 = next(gss.split(df, groups=df.ids))

# Get the split DataFrames.
df1, df2 = df.iloc[idx1], df.iloc[idx2]
于 2017-05-16T17:47:27.653 回答


df1 = df.sample(frac=1).loc[df.ids % 2 == 0]
df2 = df.loc[df.index.difference(df1.index)]

不正确(它不关心分隔 ID)答案:

您可以先使用sample(frac=1)然后使用np.split()随机播放您的 DF :

df1, df2 = np.split(df.sample(frac=1), 2)
于 2017-05-16T17:09:45.990 回答