I added a box around the form underneath the main image. Now the controls are distributed on 3 instead of 2 rows. I tried everything but i can't get it back so that all controlls are only aligned on 2 rows...

Has to do with the border-box, content-box I guess, but I am not able to get it right...

Form ist NOT ok: https://www.auto-pfandhaus.ch/autopfand-kredit-lp/ Form is OK: https://www.auto-pfandhaus.ch/3-schritte-zum-geld/

Can somebody help? I would appreciate it a lot?

Thanks. Cesare


1 回答 1


如果您想继续使用确定的宽度,请将 .exfield 和 .radio 类的宽度设置为 212px。

如果你想使用百分比,19.5% 应该可以

于 2017-05-16T15:18:17.590 回答