我在 MATLAB 中使用 K-means 进行一些聚类。如您所知,用法如下:
[IDX,C] = kmeans(X,k)
其中 IDX 给出了 X 中每个数据点的簇号,C 给出了每个簇的质心。我需要获取离质心最近的数据点的索引(实际数据集 X 中的行号)。有谁知道我该怎么做?谢谢
我在 MATLAB 中使用 K-means 进行一些聚类。如您所知,用法如下:
[IDX,C] = kmeans(X,k)
其中 IDX 给出了 X 中每个数据点的簇号,C 给出了每个簇的质心。我需要获取离质心最近的数据点的索引(实际数据集 X 中的行号)。有谁知道我该怎么做?谢谢
%# loop through all clusters
for iCluster = 1:max(IDX)
%# find the points that are part of the current cluster
currentPointIdx = find(IDX==iCluster);
%# find the index (among points in the cluster)
%# of the point that has the smallest Euclidean distance from the centroid
%# bsxfun subtracts coordinates, then you sum the squares of
%# the distance vectors, then you take the minimum
[~,minIdx] = min(sum(bsxfun(@minus,X(currentPointIdx,:),C(iCluster,:)).^2,2));
%# store the index into X (among all the points)
closestIdx(iCluster) = currentPointIdx(minIdx);
实际上,如果我理解正确的话,kmeans 已经给了你答案:
[IDX,C, ~, D] = kmeans(X,k); % D is the distance of each datapoint to each of the clusters
[minD, indMinD] = min(D); % indMinD(i) is the index (in X) of closest point to the i-th centroid