我的问题是,条件 if(isset... 不可见。直到现在我还没有使用 PDO,所以如果有人看到我的问题的解决方案,请尽可能帮助我,谢谢。
mysql_connect("localhost", "xxxx", "") or die(mysql_error()); // Connect to database server(localhost) with username and password.
mysql_select_db("database") or die(mysql_error()); // Select registration database.
if (isset($_GET['e_mail']) && !empty($_GET['e_mail']) AND isset($_GET['hash']) && !empty($_GET['hash'])){
// Verify data
$email = mysql_escape_string($_GET['e_mail']); // Set email variable
$hash = mysql_escape_string($_GET['hash']); // Set hash variable
$search = mysql_query("SELECT e_mail, hash, active FROM users WHERE e_mail='".$email."' AND hash='".$hash."' AND active='0'") or die(mysql_error());
$match = mysql_num_rows($search);
if($match > 0){
// We have a match, activate the account
mysql_query("UPDATE users SET active='1' WHERE e_mail='".$email."' AND hash='".$hash."' AND active='0'") or die(mysql_error());
echo '<div class="statusmsg">Your account has been activated, you can now login</div>';
// No match -> invalid url or account has already been activated.
echo '<div class="statusmsg">The url is either invalid or you already have activated your account.</div>';
// Invalid approach
echo '<div class="statusmsg">Invalid approach, please use the link that has been send to your email.</div>';