我愿意使用 CoAP 协议来实现基于 Java 推送的消息传递系统。特别是在这样的系统中,客户端只打开一次与服务器(资源)的连接,并且服务器以特定速率(例如,每秒 10 条消息)推送消息(“不可确认”)。但是我没有找到任何现有的解决方案来构建上述系统。

我发现的是基于拉的消息传递系统。对于这种情况,客户端打开与服务器的连接,一段时间后客户端发送 GET 请求。然后,服务器处理请求并将单个消息推送(作为响应)给客户端。

因此,对于每个 GET,我都有一条消息作为响应——即双向异步交互。

有人知道如何使用 CoAP 实现基于推送的消息系统吗?CoAP 是否支持这样的系统?


  1. 服务器部分

        public class CoapServerPartAsync extends CoapServer {
                  private static final int COAP_PORT = 8891;
                  private static int incrementor = 1;
                  * Application entry point.
                  public static void main(String[] args) {
                     try {
                     // create server
                     CoapServerPartAsync server = new CoapServerPartAsync();
                     // add endpoints on all IP addresses
                     } catch (SocketException e) {
                          System.err.println("Failed to initialize server: " +   e.getMessage());
                  * Add endpoints listening on default CoAP port on all IP  addresses of all network interfaces.
                  * @throws SocketException if network interfaces cannot be determined
                  private void addEndpoints() throws SocketException {
                      InetSocketAddress bindToAddress = new  InetSocketAddress("", COAP_PORT);
                     addEndpoint(new CoapEndpoint(bindToAddress));
                     * Constructor for a new Hello-World server. Here, the resources
                     * of the server are initialized.
                     public CoapServerPartAsync() throws SocketException {
                     // provide an instance of a Hello-World resource
                     add(new HelloWorldResource());
                    * Definition of the Hello-World Resource
                    class HelloWorldResource extends CoapResource {
                          public HelloWorldResource() {
                          // set resource identifier
                         // set display name
                         getAttributes().setTitle("Hello-World Resource");
                     public void handleGET(CoapExchange exchange){
                     // respond to the request
                     System.out.println("Push [Hello World!"+(incrementor)+"]");
                      exchange.respond("Hello World!"+(incrementor));
  2. 客户端部分

          public class CoapClientPartAsync {
                        // static boolean getResponse = false;
                        public static void main(String args[]) { 
                        CoapClient client = new CoapClient("coap://").useNONs();
                          CoapObserveRelation relation = client.observe( 
             new CoapHandler() {
                     @Override public void onLoad(CoapResponse response){
                                String content = response.getResponseText();
                               System.out.println("NOTIFICATION: " + content);
                        @Override public void onError() {
                        System.err.println("OBSERVING FAILED (press enter to exit)");
                   try {
                     }catch (InterruptedException e) {
                          // TODO Auto-generated catch block

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