The following set of code work when I have short text but when I give it a longer text of this form: https://pastebin.com/PLinyN65

import os
import json
from watson_developer_cloud import ToneAnalyzerV3 
from glob import glob

with open(credentials.txt) as cred:
    data = cred.readlines()
    UserName = data[0]
    PassWord = data[1]

tone_analyzer = ToneAnalyzerV3(

pth = '../input/*.txt'
txtFiles = glob(pth)
for file in txtFiles:
    baseName = os.path.basename(file) 
    name = baseName.split('.')

with open(file) as f:
    txt = f.read()

    with open('../output/{}.json'.format(name[0]), 'w') as outFile:
        json.dump(tone_analyzer.tone(text=txt, sentences='false'), outFile, separators=(',', ': '), indent=2)

I get the error:

WatsonException                           Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-d948e97e307e> in <module>()
      9         with open('../output/{}.json'.format(name[0]), 'w') as outFile:
---> 10             json.dump(tone_analyzer.tone(text=txt, sentences='false'), outFile, separators=(',', ': '), indent=2)
     12     print('{}\n'.format(name[0]))

/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/watson_developer_cloud/tone_analyzer_v3.pyc in tone(self, text, tones, sentences)
     51         data = {'text': text}
     52         return self.request(method='POST', url='/v3/tone', params=params,
---> 53                             json=data, accept_json=True)

/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/watson_developer_cloud/watson_developer_cloud_service.pyc in request(self, method, url, accept_json, headers, params, json, data, files, **kwargs)
    318             else:
    319                 error_message = self._get_error_message(response)
--> 320             raise WatsonException(error_message)

WatsonException: Error: Invalid JSON input, Code: 400

When I try to manually input the text on this weblink: https://tone-analyzer-demo.mybluemix.net/

I get the error: request entity too large

Please advice how I can get the required tone analysis scores in json format from ToneAnalyzerV3.


1 回答 1


查看 Tone Analyzer API Explorer,您可以看到每个请求可以处理的文本量是有限制的:

Tone Analyzer 服务支持最多 128 KB 的文本,或大约 1000 个句子。少于三个单词的句子不能被分析。

音调分析器 API Explorer

您提供的文本为 165,743 字节 (168 KB),比服务支持的要大。我试图在 API Explorer 中输入上面提供的文本并收到与上面相同的错误:

  "code": 400,
  "sub_code": "C00013",
  "error": "Invalid JSON input"

作为一种解决方案,您需要使用小于最大 128 KB 文本的文本输入。

于 2017-05-23T18:21:40.533 回答