我有这段代码,它可以接受一个字符串和一些变量并将变量注入到字符串中。这在我的应用程序中是必需的,因为文本通常来自 CMS 并且必须是可编辑的。有时字符串的可变部分是彩色的或不同的字体,所以我试图制作它,以便在必要时将其包装起来。但是我的反应应用程序将所有内容都发布为字符串。
var VariableInjection = (stringToEdit, variablesToInject) => {
const matches = stringToEdit.match(/{[a-z][A-z]*}/g);
const strippedMatches = matches.map(m => m.replace('{', '')).map(m => m.replace('}', ''));
for (let i = 0; i < matches.length; i += 1) {
const replaceWith = variablesToInject[strippedMatches[i]];
if (typeof replaceWith === 'string' || typeof replaceWith === 'number') {
stringToEdit = stringToEdit.replace(matches[i], replaceWith);
} else {
stringToEdit = stringToEdit.replace(matches[i], `<span class="${replaceWith.class}">${replaceWith.value}</span>`);
return stringToEdit;
VariableInjection("this is the {varA} and this is the {varB}", { varA: 1, varB: 2})
'this is the 1 and this is the 2'
VariableInjection("this is the {varA} and this is the {varB}", { varA: 1, varB: { value:2, class:"test Class"})
'this is the 1 and this is the <span class="test Class">2</span>'