我正在尝试编辑其他人在 CAPL 中编写的脚本。原始脚本按预期工作,但我编辑的版本可以编译,但有一些运行时问题。当我按下“u”键时,整个程序崩溃了,就好像它陷入了一个循环,它无法中断。对于我编辑的部分,代码的简化版本如下所示:

(原始代码每次按下“u”时 CMD 递减 5,每次按下“U”时 CMD 递增 5。我希望我的新脚本在我定义的限制之间不断上升和下降 CMD,在我定义的步骤和无限期的时间间隔,直到按下“U”,这会将 CMD 重置为 0)


    //Added for my script
    int rampFlag = 0;
    int tmrFlag  = 0;
    long rampRate = 50; //ms
    long rampStep = 1;
    long LimUpper = 100;    //max 350
    long LimLower = -100;   //min -350
    msTimer tmrRamp; 

    //Other existing variables from working script...

on start
    //No changes for my script

//Added for my script:
on timer tmrRamp
    //Do nothing

on key 'u'
    //Working script (commented out) This just decrements CMD every time 'u' is pressed:
    /*CMD = CMD - 5;

    if(CMD < -350)
        CMD = -350;

    //Added for my script:

    CMD = 0;

    //ramp up and down the command CMD until key 'U' is pressed

    rampFlag = 1;
    while(rampFlag == 1)

        //ramp up
    while(CMD < LimUpper)
        CMD = CMD + rampStep;   
        setTimer(tmrRamp,rampRate);             //start timer
        while(isTimerActive(tmrRamp) == 1){}    //wait for timer to expire

    //ramp down
    while(CMD > LimLower)
        CMD = CMD - rampStep;
        setTimer(tmrRamp,rampRate);             //start timer
        while(isTimerActive(tmrRamp) == 1){}    //wait for timer to expire

on key 'U'
    //Working script (commented out) This just increments CMD every time 'U' is pressed:
    /*CMD = CMD + 5;

    if(CMD >= 350)
        CMD = 350;

    //Added for my script:
    //Cease ramping up and down the torque request when key 'U' is pressed    

    rampFlag = 0;
    CMD = 0;

我尝试在“on key 'u'”中注释掉外部while循环,以防在“on key 'u'”语句正在运行时无法执行“on key 'U'”事件语句......我是假设任何事件都可以覆盖任何其他事件,即使它仍在执行?无论如何,当我按下“u”时,运行它仍然会导致一切冻结,所以我认为使用我的计时器功能也存在问题。

我想要的只是类似于 delay_ms() 的函数,但 CAPL 似乎无法识别这一点,所以我不得不尝试使用 setTimer 和 isTimerActive 函数。



1 回答 1


我希望我的新脚本在我定义的限制之间不断增加和减少 CMD,在我定义的步骤和时间间隔内无限期地直到按下“U”,这会将 CMD 重置为 0

为了避免嵌套的while循环,我建议使用“on timer”事件来解决这个问题。在其中,您每次执行都重新启动计时器,直到它被取消。

    int rampDirection = 1;
    long rampRate = 50; //ms
    long rampStep = 1;
    long LimUpper = 100;    //max 350
    long LimLower = -100;   //min -350
    msTimer tmrRamp; 

on start


on timer tmrRamp
    // currently ramping up
    if(rampDirection == 1) {
        if (CMD < LimUpper)
            CMD = CMD + rampStep
        // max is reached -> start ramping down
            rampDirection = 0;
            CMD = CMD - rampStep;
    // currently ramping down
        if (CMD > LimLower)
            CMD = CDM - rampStep;
        //min is reached start ramping up
            rampDirerction = 1;
            CMD = CDM + rampStep;
    // timer restarts itslef until canceled

on key 'u'
    CMD = 0;
    rampDirection = 1; // start with ramping up

 on key 'U'
    CMD = 0;
于 2017-06-30T14:44:18.063 回答