尝试在 python 中的 cx_Oracle 上运行此查询时
Insert into orange.cp4_freeze_tasks (
SELECT distinct cust_id, 'C'
FROM (SELECT f.cust_id, cust_site, debt_invoiced + debt_no_invoiced deuda,
DECODE (d.manual_level, 0, cp_level, manual_level) nivel,
(SELECT nvl(freeze_limit,9999999999)
FROM orange.cp4_level_config
WHERE site_id = cust_site
AND cplevel =
DECODE (d.manual_level,0, cp_level,manual_level)) freeze_limit
FROM orange.cp4_freezed_customers f, orange.cp4_debt_status d
WHERE f.cust_id = d.cust_id) c
WHERE deuda <= freeze_limit / 2 and not exists (Select 1 from orange.cp4_freeze_tasks
where cust_id = c.cust_id and task_status = 'C'));commit;
cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-00911: invalid character