我有一个存储在 github 中的私有 Spring Boot 项目。它与 Travis CI 集成在一起。我尝试与工作服集成,并在 .coveralls.yml 和 .travis.yml 文件中添加了配置脚本/令牌。



There have been no builds for this repo.

Travis 控制台日志

[INFO] Successfully wrote Coveralls data in 109ms
[INFO] Gathered code coverage metrics for 31 source files with 1542 lines of code:
Successfully wrote Coveralls data in 109ms
[INFO] Gathered code coverage metrics for 31 source files with 1542 lines of code:
[INFO] - 431 relevant lines
[INFO] - 174 covered lines
[INFO] - 257 missed lines
[INFO] Submitting Coveralls data to API
[INFO] Successfully submitted Coveralls data in 643ms for Job #140.1
[INFO] https://coveralls.io/jobs/25499381
[INFO] *** It might take hours for Coveralls to update the actual coverage numbers for a job
[INFO]     If you see question marks in the report, please be patient

具有相关工作 id 的项目不是我的,但源文件与我的项目相关


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