我正在尝试在 Rust 中实现循环链​​接数据结构。我Node的 s 定义为:

enum Node<'a> {
    Link(&'a Node<'a>),


fn main() {
    let placeholder = Node::Leaf;
        let link1 = Node::Link(&placeholder);
            let link2 = Node::Link(&link1);
            println!("{:?}", link2);
        } // link2 gets dropped
    } // link1 gets dropped


let placeholder = Node::Leaf;
    let mut link1 = Node::Link(&placeholder);
        let link2 = Node::Link(&link1);
        link1 = Node::Link(&link2);
        println!("{:?}", link2);
    } // link2 gets dropped
} // link1 gets dropped
error: `link2` does not live long enough
  --> src/main.rs:15:9
13 |             link1 = Node::Link(&link2);
   |                                 ----- borrow occurs here
14 |             println!("{:?}", link2);
15 |         } // link2 gets dropped
   |         ^ `link2` dropped here while still borrowed
16 |     } // link1 gets dropped
   |     - borrowed value needs to live until here

error[E0506]: cannot assign to `link1` because it is borrowed
  --> src/main.rs:13:13
12 |             let link2 = Node::Link(&link1);
   |                                     ----- borrow of `link1` occurs here
13 |             link1 = Node::Link(&link2);
   |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment to borrowed `link1` occurs here

我可以尝试通过使用Rcs 来避免这些生命周期问题,但这听起来会破坏 Rust 的 0-runtime-cost 生命周期管理的目的。

另一种将所有节点放入 aVec并仅直接引用该节点的尝试也不起作用:

use std::ops::IndexMut;

let mut store = Vec::new();
*store.index_mut(1) = Node::Link(&store[2]);


error[E0502]: cannot borrow `store` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
  --> src/main.rs:12:28
12 |     store.push(Node::Link(&store[0]));
   |     -----                  ^^^^^    - mutable borrow ends here
   |     |                      |
   |     |                      immutable borrow occurs here
   |     mutable borrow occurs here

error[E0502]: cannot borrow `store` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable
  --> src/main.rs:13:5
12 |     store.push(Node::Link(&store[0]));
   |                            ----- immutable borrow occurs here
13 |     store.push(Node::Link(&store[1]));
   |     ^^^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
14 |     *store.index_mut(1) = Node::Link(&store[2]);
15 | }
   | - immutable borrow ends here

error[E0502]: cannot borrow `store` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
  --> src/main.rs:13:28
13 |     store.push(Node::Link(&store[1]));
   |     -----                  ^^^^^    - mutable borrow ends here
   |     |                      |
   |     |                      immutable borrow occurs here
   |     mutable borrow occurs here

error[E0502]: cannot borrow `store` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable
  --> src/main.rs:14:6
12 |     store.push(Node::Link(&store[0]));
   |                            ----- immutable borrow occurs here
13 |     store.push(Node::Link(&store[1]));
14 |     *store.index_mut(1) = Node::Link(&store[2]);
   |      ^^^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
15 | }
   | - immutable borrow ends here



1 回答 1


有没有办法在没有运行时开销的情况下使用具有循环链接的这种结构,例如像我尝试过的纯引用?我对额外的内存成本很好,比如支持 Vec 持有所有节点的所有权。


然而,重要的是要意识到 Rust 需要始终执行Aliasing XOR Mutability原则。最好在编译时强制执行它,以使运行时成本为 0,但是有时需要在运行时对其进行管理,并且为此有多种结构:

  • Cell, RefCell, AtomicXXX, Mutex, RWLock(名字不好的)是关于安全地改变别名项目,
  • Rc, Weak, Arc, 是关于拥有多个所有者的。


在您的特定情况下(使用相互引用的节点构建 BNF 语法),我们确实可以使用Cell可变性实现 0 运行时开销。

然而,主要困难是获得一组具有相同生命周期的节点。您在 a 的想法上走在正确的轨道上Vec<Node>,但是当您注意到一旦借用一个节点就不能再改变 a Vec:这是因为增长Vec可能会导致它重新分配其底层存储,这将呈现已经获得的参考悬空(指向释放的内存)。



  1. 在 a 中存储节点typed-arena
  2. 用于Cell可变部分 ( &Tis Copy)。

如果没有代码,您将无法将 arena 存储在与语法的其余部分相同的结构中unsafe;是否使用unsafe或构建程序由您决定,以使竞技场比计算更有效。

于 2017-05-07T10:29:01.403 回答