We have a simple signalr server and client running with the backplane enabled. When I looked in to the IIS worker process I found out in the current requests tab there is always this signalr connect is showing.

enter image description here

When I connect like 100 clients 100 current requests are shown in the woker process view. Shouldn't these be removed after connecting or is this the expected behavior from the signalr?


1 回答 1


线程将关闭或被新客户端重用,它基本上是一个线程池,您不必担心它。唯一需要担心打开多少线程的情况是,如果您只有有限的 cpu 资源,并且设置了较低的打开线程限制。

于 2017-05-05T20:10:19.747 回答