我正在尝试使用该OpenCV Stitcher
课程来拼接来自两个相机的帧。我只想以最简单的方式开始,然后进入 Stitcher 类的细节。
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/stitching.hpp"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include<conio.h> // may have to modify this line if not using Windows
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
//using namespace cv::detail;
bool try_use_gpu = true;
Stitcher::Mode mode = Stitcher::PANORAMA; //Stitcher::SCANS;
vector<Mat> imgs;
int main()
//initialize and allocate memory to load the video stream from camera
cv::VideoCapture camera0(2);
cv::VideoCapture camera1(3);
if (!camera0.isOpened()) return 1;
if (!camera1.isOpened()) return 1;
//Mat output_frame;
cv::Mat3b output_frame;
cv::Stitcher stitcher = cv::Stitcher::createDefault(true);
//Ptr<Stitcher> stitcher = Stitcher::create(mode, try_use_gpu);
Mat camera0_frame_resized;
Mat camera1_frame_resized;
while (true) {
//grab and retrieve each frames of the video sequentially
cv::Mat3b camera0_frame;
cv::Mat3b camera1_frame;
camera0 >> camera0_frame;
camera1 >> camera1_frame;
resize(camera0_frame, camera0_frame_resized, Size(640, 480));
resize(camera1_frame, camera1_frame_resized, Size(640, 480));
Stitcher::Status status = stitcher.stitch(imgs, output_frame);
if (status != Stitcher::OK) {
cout << "Can't stitch images, error code = " << int(status) << endl;
return -1;
cv::imshow("Camera0", camera0_frame);
cv::imshow("Camera1", camera1_frame);
cv::imshow("Stitch", output_frame);
//wait for 40 milliseconds
int c = cvWaitKey(5);
//exit the loop if user press "Esc" key (ASCII value of "Esc" is 27)
if (27 == char(c)) break;
return 0;
我正在使用OpenCV 3.2
并Visual Studio Community Edition 2017
运行windows 10
我在极快的 CPU 和顶级 GPU 上运行。我没想到快速缝合,但这只是放慢速度的方式,让我觉得我做错了什么。关于为什么它只缝合第一帧然后卡住的任何想法?