我将引导加载程序从 CHS 更改为 LBA,所以我int 13h 02hint 13h 42h. 它在 QEMU 中正常工作,但是,我在使用 Bochs 和我的笔记本电脑运行它时遇到了麻烦。

我用dd if=main.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=512. 笔记本电脑加载 Intel UNDI 并给我以下错误:No bootable device - insert boot disk and press any key.

因此,我尝试使用 Bochs 对其进行调试,并注意到 Bochs 将此二进制文件识别为可引导文件。但是,执行后没有加载任何内容int 13h

然后我尝试从这个闪存驱动器加载我的旧电脑,它工作正常!它加载程序并正确执行它。QEMU 给了我同样的结果。


org 0x7c00
bits 16

    ; Overlap CS and DS
    mov ax, cs
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    ; Setup 4K stack before this bootloader
    mov ax, 0x07c0
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 4096
    ; Load next sectors
    mov si, DAP
    mov ah, 42h
    ; DL didn't changed
    int 13h
    ; Start
    jmp bootend

; Disk address packet
    db 10h, 0
    dw %1 ; Number of sectors to be loaded
    dd bootend
    dq 1

; Fill the rest of bootsector with zeroes and end it
times 510 - ($ - boot) db 0
dw 0xAA55


megs: 32
romimage: file=/usr/share/bochs/BIOS-bochs-latest, address=0xfffe0000
vgaromimage: file=/usr/share/bochs/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
floppya: 1_44=main.bin, status=inserted
boot: a
panic: action=ask
log: bochsout.txt
mouse: enabled=0
keyboard: type=mf, serial_delay=200, paste_delay=100000
display_library: x, options="gui_debug"

1 回答 1


LBA 磁盘访问可用性

并非所有 BIOS 都支持扩展磁盘读写功能(尽管在现代硬件上几乎都支持)。并非所有 BIOS 都支持通过Int 13h/AH=42h对软盘进行扩展磁盘读取。BOCHS也是如此。您可以通过Int 13/AH=41h/BX=55AAh测试驱动器上是否可以使用扩展磁盘功能。这会进行扩展磁盘安装检查。

如果您想使用扩展磁盘读取和 LBA 在BOCHS上测试您的代码,您将必须创建一个硬盘映像并修改BOCHS以从它而不是软盘启动。BOCHS 支持的最小硬盘映像大小是 CHS = 1/16/63即 512*16*63 = 516096 字节或 1008 个扇区,每个扇区 512 字节。


megs: 32
romimage: file=/usr/share/bochs/BIOS-bochs-latest, address=0xfffe0000
vgaromimage: file=/usr/share/bochs/VGABIOS-lgpl-latest
boot: c
ata0: enabled=1, ioaddr1=0x1f0, ioaddr2=0x3f0, irq=14
ata0-master: type=disk, path="disk.img", mode=flat, cylinders=0, heads=0, spt=0, model="Generic 1234", biosdetect=auto, translation=auto
panic: action=ask
log: bochsout.txt
mouse: enabled=0
keyboard: type=mf, serial_delay=200, paste_delay=100000
display_library: x, options="gui_debug"

我使用名为disk.img. 您可以使用以下命令创建它并将生成的扇区放入其中:

nasm -f bin main.asm -o main.bin

创建一个 516096 字节的图像:

dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img count=1008 bs=512


dd if=main.bin of=disk.img conv=notrunc

我在此Stackoverflow 答案中提供了有关使用DD创建磁盘映像的其他信息。


尽管磁盘映像是BOCHS问题的一部分,但您确实存在一些编码问题。当控制从 BIOS 转移到引导加载程序时,您不能假设CS的值将设置为您认为的值。有关更多信息,请参阅我的通用引导加载程序提示。如果您希望DSES为零(这是您需要的org 0x7c00),您应该将代码的开头修改为:

org 0x7c00
bits 16


    xor ax, ax     ; Explicitly set DS and ES to 0
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax



    ; Print MDP to upper left of screen in white on light magenta
    mov ax, 0xb800
    mov es, ax
    mov word [es:0x0000], 0x57<<8 | 'M'
    mov word [es:0x0002], 0x57<<8 | 'D'
    mov word [es:0x0004], 0x57<<8 | 'P'

    ; Infinite loop so we don't have the CPU wander memory
    jmp endloop

我不确定这一行是错字还是您在将汇编文件传递给NASM之前对它们使用了某种类型的预处理器。通常,这一行将是%符号 before的问题1

dw %1 ; Number of sectors to be loaded


dw 1  ; Number of sectors to be loaded


如果您尝试使用 USB 在真实硬件上启动,那么即使您通过上述更改使其在BOCHS中运行,您也可能会遇到另一个问题。如果您的 BIOS 设置为进行 USB FDD 仿真(而不是 USB HDD 或其他),您可能需要在引导加载程序的开头添加一个引导参数块 (BPB) 。您可以像这样创建一个假的:

org 0x7c00
bits 16

    jmp main
    TIMES 3-($-$$) DB 0x90   ; Support 2 or 3 byte encoded JMPs before BPB.

    ; Dos 4.0 EBPB 1.44MB floppy
    OEMname:           db    "mkfs.fat"  ; mkfs.fat is what OEMname mkdosfs uses
    bytesPerSector:    dw    512
    sectPerCluster:    db    1
    reservedSectors:   dw    1
    numFAT:            db    2
    numRootDirEntries: dw    224
    numSectors:        dw    2880
    mediaType:         db    0xf0
    numFATsectors:     dw    9
    sectorsPerTrack:   dw    18
    numHeads:          dw    2
    numHiddenSectors:  dd    0
    numSectorsHuge:    dd    0
    driveNum:          db    0
    reserved:          db    0
    signature:         db    0x29
    volumeID:          dd    0x2d7e5a1a
    volumeLabel:       db    "NO NAME    "
    fileSysType:       db    "FAT12   "


    xor ax, ax     ; Explicitly set DS and ES to 0
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    [rest of your code here]

如果您要修改代码以使布局高于 Unix/Linuxfile命令,则可能能够转储它认为构成磁盘映像中 MBR 的 BPB 数据。运行命令file disk.img,您可能会得到以下输出:

disk.img:DOS/MBR 引导扇区,代码偏移量 0x3c+2,OEM-ID“mkfs.fat”,根条目 224,扇区 2880(卷 <=32 MB),扇区/FAT 9,扇区/磁道 18,串行数字 0x2d7e5a1a,未标记,FAT(12 位)

带有 Int 13h 扩展检查的完整示例

以下代码将检查 BIOS 中的 Int 13h 扩展是否可用,还将确定DL中的驱动器是否支持 Int 13h 扩展。如果出现故障,代码将打印相应的错误。一个print_string函数用于使用 BIOS TTY 输出向控制台显示字符串,并print_hex_word提供一个函数以十六进制显示引导驱动器号。

org 0x7c00
bits 16

section .text
    jmp main
    TIMES 3-($-$$) DB 0x90   ; Support 2 or 3 byte encoded JMPs before BPB.

    ; Dos 4.0 EBPB 1.44MB floppy
    OEMname:           db    "mkfs.fat"  ; mkfs.fat is what OEMname mkdosfs uses
    bytesPerSector:    dw    512
    sectPerCluster:    db    1
    reservedSectors:   dw    1
    numFAT:            db    2
    numRootDirEntries: dw    224
    numSectors:        dw    2880
    mediaType:         db    0xf0
    numFATsectors:     dw    9
    sectorsPerTrack:   dw    18
    numHeads:          dw    2
    numHiddenSectors:  dd    0
    numSectorsHuge:    dd    0
    driveNum:          db    0
    reserved:          db    0
    signature:         db    0x29
    volumeID:          dd    0x2d7e5a1a
    volumeLabel:       db    "NO NAME    "
    fileSysType:       db    "FAT12   "

    cld                   ; String instructions forward movement

    xor ax, ax
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax
    ; Setup 4K stack before this bootloader
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x7c00

    ; Display a banner to know our bootloader is executing
    mov si, msg_booting
    call print_string

    ; Check that Int 13h Extensions are available
    ; http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-0706.htm

    mov ah, 0x41          ; Int 13h/AH=41h: Check if extensions present
    mov bx, 0x55aa
    int 0x13
    jc  ext_drv_none      ; CF set - no extensions available for drive
    cmp bx, 0xaa55        ; Is BX 0xaa55?
    jnz ext_none          ;     If not, int 13h extensions not supported
                          ;     by BIOS at all.

    ; Int 13h extensions supported by BIOS and drive at this point
    ; Load next sectors
    mov si, DAP
    mov ah, 42h
    ; DL didn't changed
    int 13h
    ; Start
    jmp bootend

; Error: BIOS doesn't support Int 13h extensions
    mov si, err_no_extensions
    call print_string
    jmp error_end

; Error: BIOS supports Int 13h extensions but not for drive in DL
    mov si, err_no_drv_ext_support
    call print_string

    ; Print the boot drive number in hex
    xor dh, dh            ; Zero extended drive number to all of DX
    push word 0x00        ; Attribute and page number to write to
    push dx               ; The value to write as hex
    call print_hex_word

    jmp .loop

; Print 16 bit value passed on stack as first parameter
; in hexadecimal. Use page number and foreground color
; passed in second parameter. This routine will work on 8086+
; processors. This code takes advantage of packed BCD to
; determine the ASCII values to print. This code could have
; used compare and branch to do the same or a translation table.

    push bp
    mov bp, sp      ; BP=SP, on 8086 can't use sp in memory operand
    push dx         ; Save all registers we clobber
    push cx
    push bx
    push ax

    mov cx, 0x0404  ; CH = number of nibbles to process = 4 (4*4=16 bits)
                    ; CL = Number of bits to rotate each iteration = 4 (a nibble)
    mov dx, [bp+4]  ; DX = word parameter on stack at [bp+4] to print
    mov bx, [bp+6]  ; BX = page / foreground attr is at [bp+6]

    rol dx, cl      ; Roll 4 bits left. Lower nibble is value to print
    mov ax, 0x0e0f  ; AH=0E (BIOS tty print),AL=mask to get lower nibble
    and al, dl      ; AL=copy of lower nibble
    add al, 0x90    ; Work as if we are packed BCD
    daa             ; Decimal adjust after add.
                    ;    If nibble in AL was between 0 and 9, then CF=0 and
                    ;    AL=0x90 to 0x99
                    ;    If nibble in AL was between A and F, then CF=1 and
                    ;    AL=0x00 to 0x05
    adc al, 0x40    ; AL=0xD0 to 0xD9
                    ; or AL=0x41 to 0x46
    daa             ; AL=0x30 to 0x39 (ASCII '0' to '9')
                    ; or AL=0x41 to 0x46 (ASCII 'A' to 'F')
    int 0x10        ; Print ASCII character in AL
    dec ch
    jnz .loop       ; Go back if more nibbles to process

    pop ax          ; Restore registers
    pop bx
    pop cx
    pop dx
    pop bp

; Print string pointed to by DS:SI using
; BIOS TTY output via int 10h/AH=0eh

    push ax
    push si
    mov ah, 0Eh       ; int 10h 'print char' function

    lodsb             ; Get character from string
    test al, al
    je .done      ; If char is zero, end of string
    int 10h           ; Otherwise, print it
    jmp .repeat
    pop si
    pop ax

; Disk address packet
    db 10h, 0
    dw 1 ; Number of sectors to be loaded
    dd bootend
    dq 1

msg_booting:            db "Booting... ", 0x00
err_no_extensions:      db "Int 13h extensions not supported by BIOS", 0x00
err_no_drv_ext_support: db "Int 13h Extensions not supported on drive 0x", 0x00

; Fill the rest of bootsector with zeroes and end it
times 510 - ($ - boot) db 0
dw 0xAA55

    mov ax, 0xb800
    mov es, ax
    mov word [es:0x0000], 0x57<<8 | 'M'
    mov word [es:0x0002], 0x57<<8 | 'D'
    mov word [es:0x0004], 0x57<<8 | 'P'



如果我在BOCHS中启动与软盘(磁盘 A:)相同的映像,则错误消息现在告诉我 Int 13h 扩展不适用于驱动器 0x0000:


如果您发现需要读取不支持 Int 13h 扩展的设备,您将不得不回退到标准的 Int 13h 磁盘子功能来读取(AH=02)/写入(AH=03)。

于 2017-05-04T16:09:19.037 回答