I'm trying to use Rmarkdown, flexdashboard (with the option storyboard: true) and also shiny. Everything works fine until I add runtime: shiny. Then the frame tabs move faster than expected and even disappear.

I've tried two ways of specifying the storyboard mode, by adding storyboard: true (commented out in the example code below) to the YAML and by adding the {.storyboard} class to the page I want laid out as a storyboard. Same result.

You can see the different behaviour just by commenting in and out runtime: shiny in the code below.

Any ideas of what I'm missing? Thanks for your help.

title: "Title"
    #storyboard: true
runtime: shiny

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

Analysis {.storyboard}

### Frame 1
Commentary for frame 1

### Frame 2
Commentary for frame 2

### Frame 3
Commentary for frame 3

### Frame 4
Commentary for frame 4

### Frame 5
Commentary for frame 5

### Frame 6
Commentary for frame 6

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