
我刚刚学习了 Argo 基础知识,并且能够在生产环境中解码 99% 的 JSON。现在我面临以下结构(“5447”和“5954”等键是动态的)并且需要帮助:

  "5447": {
    "business_id": 5447,
    "rating": 5,
    "comment": "abcd",
    "replies_count": 0,
    "message_id": 2517
  "5954": {
    "business_id": 5954,
    "rating": 3,
    "comment": "efgh",
    "replies_count": 0,
    "message_id": 633


struct User {
  let id: Int
  let name: String

对于 JSON 结构(键是固定的“id”和“name”):

  "id": 124,
  "name": "someone"


extension User: Decodable {
  static func decode(j: JSON) -> Decoded<User> {
    return curry(User.init)
      <^> j <| "id"
      <*> j <| "name"


更新:使用 Tony 的第一个实现并在最后一行稍作修改,我完成了我的工作。这是完整的工作代码:


import Argo
import Curry
import Runes

struct Business {
    let businessID: Int
    let rating: Double?
    let comment: String?
    let repliesCount: Int?
    let messageID: Int?

extension Business: Decodable {
    static func decode(_ json: JSON) -> Decoded<Business> {
        let c0 = curry(Business.init)
            <^> json <| "business_id"
            <*> json <|? "rating"
        return c0
            <*> json <|? "comment"
            <*> json <|? "replies_count"
            <*> json <|? "message_id"


import Argo
import Runes

struct Businesses {
    let businesses: [Business]

extension Businesses: Decodable {
    static func decode(_ json: JSON) -> Decoded<Businesses> {
        let dict = [String: JSON].decode(json)
        let arr = dict.map { Array($0.map { $1 }) }
        let jsonArr = arr.map { JSON.array($0) }
        return Businesses.init <^> jsonArr.map([Business].decode).value ?? .success([])

1 回答 1


当您在字典中有动态键时,您将不得不退出 Argo 提供的便捷运算符。您首先需要获取JSON对象元素,然后自己映射它。由于键在这里无关紧要(因为 id 也在嵌入式字典中)它实际上不会太糟糕。最简单的方法可能是创建一个新结构来包装它:

struct Businesses: Decodable {
  let businesses: [Business]

  static func decode(_ json: JSON) -> Decoded<Businesses> {
    // Get dictionary
    let dict: Decoded<[String: JSON]> = [String: JSON].decode(json)
    // Transform dictionary to array
    let array: Decoded<[JSON]> = dict.map { Array($0.map { $1 }) }
    // Wrap array back into a JSON type
    let jsonArray: Decoded<JSON> = array.map { JSON.array($0) }
    // Decode the JSON type like we would with no key
    return Businesses.init <^> array.map([Business].decode)



static func decode(_ json: JSON) -> Decoded<Businesses> {
  // Get dictionary
  let dict: Decoded<[String: JSON]> = [String: JSON].decode(json)
  // Map over the dictionary and decode the values
  let result: Decoded<[Businesses]> = dict.flatMap { object in
    let decoded: [Decoded<Business>] = Array(object.map { decode($1) })
    return sequence(decoded)
  return Businesses.init <^> result


于 2017-05-04T16:34:27.277 回答