I was reading the IBM Example about smartSponsor, and there is this following code:
ss.pledge("Good luck with the run!", {from: thesponsor, value: 10000000, gas: 3000000});
While the function pledge is:
function pledge(bytes32 _message) {
if (msg.value == 0 || complete || refunded) throw;
pledges[numPledges] = Pledge(msg.value, msg.sender, _message);
struct Pledge {
uint amount;
address eth_address;
bytes32 message;
I was looking for "send" or "transfer" functions. But I could not find any. Therefore I was confused how were the ethers sent from the sponsor to the smart contract?
How did the sender send the ethers? I was expecting something like .transfer(uint256 amount) or .send(uint256 amount). But it seems that there is no such function call?