- 建立一个包含所有感兴趣时间范围的表格。
- 找出每组感兴趣的时间范围的开始时间。
- 找出每组感兴趣的时间范围的结束时间。
- 将开始时间和结束时间加入时间范围列表并分组。
或者,更详细地说:(这些步骤中的每一个都可能是一个大 CTE 的一部分,但为了便于阅读,我已将其分解为临时表......)
第 1 步:找到所有感兴趣的时间范围的列表(我使用的方法类似于 @Brad 链接的方法)。 注意:正如@Manfred Sorg 指出的那样,这假设总线数据中没有“丢失秒数”。如果时间戳中断,此代码会将单个范围解释为两个(或更多)不同的范围。
;with stopSeconds as (
select BusID, BusStopID, TimeStamp,
[date] = cast(datediff(dd,0,TimeStamp) as datetime),
[grp] = dateadd(ss, -row_number() over(partition by BusID order by TimeStamp), TimeStamp)
from #test
where BusStopID is not null
select BusID, BusStopID, date,
[sTime] = dateadd(ss,datediff(ss,date,min(TimeStamp)), 0),
[eTime] = dateadd(ss,datediff(ss,date,max(TimeStamp)), 0),
[secondsOfStop] = datediff(ss, min(TimeStamp), max(Timestamp)),
[sOrd] = row_number() over(partition by BusID, BusStopID order by datediff(ss,date,min(TimeStamp))),
[eOrd] = row_number() over(partition by BusID, BusStopID order by datediff(ss,date,max(TimeStamp)))
into #ranges
from stopSeconds
group by BusID, BusStopID, date, grp
第 2 步:找出每个停靠点的最早时间
select this.BusID, this.BusStopID, this.sTime minSTime,
[stopOrder] = row_number() over(partition by this.BusID, this.BusStopID order by this.sTime)
into #starts
from #ranges this
left join #ranges prev on this.BusID = prev.BusID
and this.BusStopID = prev.BusStopID
and this.sOrd = prev.sOrd+1
and this.sTime between dateadd(mi,-10,prev.sTime) and dateadd(mi,10,prev.sTime)
where prev.BusID is null
第 3 步:查找每个站点的最晚时间
select this.BusID, this.BusStopID, this.eTime maxETime,
[stopOrder] = row_number() over(partition by this.BusID, this.BusStopID order by this.eTime)
into #ends
from #ranges this
left join #ranges next on this.BusID = next.BusID
and this.BusStopID = next.BusStopID
and this.eOrd = next.eOrd-1
and this.eTime between dateadd(mi,-10,next.eTime) and dateadd(mi,10,next.eTime)
where next.BusID is null
第 4 步:将所有内容连接在一起
select r.BusID, r.BusStopID,
[avgLengthOfStop] = avg(datediff(ss,r.sTime,r.eTime)),
[earliestStop] = min(r.sTime),
[latestDepart] = max(r.eTime)
from #starts s
join #ends e on s.BusID=e.BusID
and s.BusStopID=e.BusStopID
and s.stopOrder=e.stopOrder
join #ranges r on r.BusID=s.BusID
and r.BusStopID=s.BusStopID
and r.sTime between s.minSTime and e.maxETime
and r.eTime between s.minSTime and e.maxETime
group by r.BusID, r.BusStopID, s.stopOrder
having count(distinct r.date) > 1 --filters out the "noise"
drop table #ends
drop table #starts
drop table #ranges